Chaos & Order

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Okay I finished finals and am now on summer break so I should have plenty of free time to write!


Momo's head pounded with a dull, yet unrelenting pain. She hadn't felt it, but she knew there was a huge bump on her head, which probably made her look quite silly.

"Oh, I think she's starting to wake up," A harmonic voice hummed. It sounded almost electronic.

Momo groggily opened her eyes... and nearly shrieked.

Standing above her, to one side of the cot she was laying on, was a Tenebris, with blackened skin and dark particles rushing around him, looking like a swarm of flies feeding off of its decaying body.

"Woah! It's okay!" Izuku shouted, peeking out from behind the demon. He could feel her tensing up, about to pull a weapon from her skin. "They're friends!"

"They?" Momo hesitantly sat up, making slow and delicate movements, as if the Tenebris would spring into action any second. But the demon seemed relaxed as he stepped aside, revealing... a Lux.

It was the first time Momo had gotten a good look at one that wasn't moving at mach 10.

She had a feminine form, made up of multiple layered plates of metal, seemingly interwoven with the same bright blue energy that the other Lux had been emitting. Six long and thin structures floated behind her, spread out to mimic the appearance of wings. Her face, despite being made of the same metal, was, by all human standards, beautiful. She was the definition of perfection, aside from a small divot running along her abdomen like a scar.

"I am Quorra, and this is my husband, Merix," Every movement of her body, from her hand gesturing towards the Tenebris, to the steps she took, were perfect, so fluid that they almost seemed to flow like some sort of optical illusion.

"Husband?" Momo asked, looking up at the demon, then to Izuku. "Why does all the crazy stuff happen when I'm not around?"

"Well... you were there... you were just... unconscious?" Izuku's confidence faltered with each word he spoke, but Momo just snorted in amusement.

"He reminds me of you," Quorra giggled, pointing to her husband.

"Conversation is not my strong suit," Merix said bluntly.

Now that the perceived threat had passed, Momo took the time to look around. In an almost comical realization, Momo saw that they were sequestered within what looked like a log cabin. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all made out of wood, and there were even little knickknacks scattered about, all of which looked like they belonged in the human world. The bear skin rug and the taxidermied deer head standing out in particular. But in the corner of her vision, Momo spotted something even more interesting.


[Hidden Quest: The Princess of Both Worlds]

Assist the defectors of Heaven and Hell


Izuku noticed her eyes on the alert and he gave a lopsided grin. "This place is more complicated than I was expecting."

"I suppose now would be a good time for an explanation," Quorra said, moving over to a table where she pulled out a chair. It was too normal in a place so strange, but Momo wanted answers.


As it turned out, Izuku had waited for Momo to wake up before getting any info. He had a lot more patience than Momo would've had.

"We've been watching our kind for quite some time, so when we saw the towers falling, we also spotted you." Quorra gestured to her husband. "He's extremely adept at spatial magic, so he pulled you both into our home to save you. Unfortunately, one of you already got hit on the head by that point."

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