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"Well it's about time we got here!" Brandon said, staring at his house.

The entire class had been combing through Avalon, checking every house, every shop, every nook and cranny. Their first order of business was to set up a barricade north of the town, that way they could use the buildings and resources to sustain the island.

Esil had already established a barrier along the north end of the city, entirely separating it from the rest of the island. Of course, if the Mosaics chose to, they could bring it down, as their attacks would directly affect Esil's Soul. But at the same time, this would let them know where they were coming from, and the Mosaics were smart enough to know that they were now playing defense, attacking the shield would serve no purpose outside of gradually wearing down Esil, wearing down their numbers at the same time. It was a lose-lose for both sides.

"We should all get some rest while we have the chance," Aizawa remarked. He was used to long nights, but even he was starting to get worn down. It was no better for the rest of the class, as they'd been awake and fighting for over 48 hours. Even Awakened Humans, especially young adults, under constant stress, pressure, and Mana exhaustion, were invariably going to get worn down. They could've stayed awake for a few more days, but just because they could didn't mean they should. No one knew when their next chance to sleep would be.

Thankfully Esil, as a Chaos Inhabitant, and half-breed of Tenebris and Lux, didn't really sleep in the same way humans did. It was more of a half-conscious state where she could continue to maintain the barrier.

"We'll go over Avalon once more in the morning and then set out to clean the rest of the island," Iida said. "Don't want to risk breaking the quarantine until we're sure it's safe."

Setsuna was currently with them, but the remainder of her copies were surrounding the Casino, meaning that the entire class was free to do as they wished. And, as far as they could tell, only one copy of Setsuna needed to sleep in order to regain energy.

"Sounds good to me!" Kaminari immediately strolled into the house they were staying at and ran, literally ran, up to bed, jumping onto the soft mattress, still wearing his blood-stained Hero uniform.

"I'll put a copy in each house just so no one gets ambushed," Setsuna said, splitting herself off a few more times. It was draining to expend that much Mana at once, but since she wasn't a spellcaster, it was the only thing her Mana was really good for.

With a final wave, everyone went to rest. It was now approaching sunset after a long day combing the town and southern tip of the island. The destroyer and a few curious vessels were still stationed off the coast, but Thomas Andre gave up not long after trying to break the barrier, and essentially went home to rest. Izuku almost couldn't blame him, he knew the barrier was impenetrable, but it still gave off the impression that he didn't really care all that much.

As Izuku, Yui, Setsuna, and Brandon walked inside, the homeowner asked if they wanted anything to eat or drink.

"Ooooh! What alcohol you got?" Setsuna inquired, happy to have something to relax with.

"Don't have any, at least not here." He smiled. "I was more so asking if you wanted like... water, juice, soda... I'd offer milk but that probably went bad hours ago."

"What are you, five?"

Brandon chuckled. "You could always check next door, the Adlers enjoy some ethanol every now and again. I doubt they'd mind you grabbing something."

"I'm going to bed," Yui said simply, nodding at the group and walking upstairs.

"Eh... I guess I'll just get some sleep too," Setsuna followed her friend upstairs, dejected by the lack of adult drinks.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now