First Sighting

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"Good morning, Akari," Izuku said, greeting the nurse watching over his mother.

The young woman, just a few years older than him, had a sort of rural charm to her. Beautiful in her naturality.

She returned the greeting absentmindedly as she finished up checking the measurements on the equipment surrounding Izuku's mother.

"No change," She reported, as she did every time Izuku came to visit. It wasn't that he asked constantly, rather it was that she was asked the question so frequently of Eternal Slumber patients that she made the comment, even to those who didn't ask it.

The Eternal Slumber was a condition where the human body accumulated Mana. In most humans, it would filter through harmlessly. In rare cases, the Mana would be adapted into the human body, causing Awakening. But in some, neither happened. They couldn't filter, not utilize it. The Mana caused them to slip into a coma, which they would never wake from. Out of the thousands suffering from the condition, none had woken.

The only way to persevere those afflicted by the Eternal Slumber was to use certain artifacts to filter the Mana manually. This wouldn't wake them, but it would keep them from accumulating more and dying. Naturally, anything with magical properties was expensive, so many couldn't even afford the life support.

"Thank you for the update," Izuku diligently replied.

"Oh... sorry. Was on autopilot there," Akari turned to greet the boy properly, but froze in shock upon seeing Momo with him. Not just because she was drop-dead gorgeous, but because Izuku actually had a girl with him, one that wasn't his sister. "You have... a friend?!"

Izuku grimaced. "Don't make me sound like that, please."

Momo smiled, giving a light bow and introducing herself. "I'm Izuku's girlfriend."

If Akari and Izuku had been sipping water, they would've spit it all out. Akari because she never thought the guy would have a friend let alone a girlfriend. And Izuku out of giddiness.

It was one thing to silently acknowledge the love they had for each other, it was another thing entirely to say it out loud to someone you had just met.

"Well that's... uh, hi." Akari looked at Izuku and mouthed, "She's pretty."

"She's also smart and a pretty good fighter," He responded out loud, moving to his mother's bedside.

Akari smirked. "Well then, I have other patients to check up on," She said, expertly dismissing herself from the room.

"Hi mom," Izuku began delicately taking her hand in his own. It was warm, and full of life. She looked like she could wake up any second, in fact, which made it all the harder to know she couldn't. She looked a fair bit skinnier than she had when the Eternal Slumber took her, but besides that, nothing had changed. "Sorry I haven't been around in a bit. It's been... hectic. But I... Reawakened," He said, fumbling with his words. "Money's not a problem anymore. So you don't have to worry about that."

The Eternal Slumber was still poorly understood. The general concept was well known, but the interactions it had with the mind of the afflicted was still being studied. Doctor's weren't sure if it was a standard coma induced by magical events, or a magical coma. Regardless, they encouraged loved ones to talk to them, or make physical contact, something that had shown signs of aiding recovery in standard coma patients. It was little hope, but it was hope.

"And you know how Kei's always going on about my lack of friends... well, I brought someone to introduce to you. Her name-"

Momo interrupted, stepping forwards and giving a light bow to introduce herself. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Midoriya, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu." Izuku had intended to speak for her, not wanting her to feel awkward talking to his mother in her state, but she didn't bat an eye. "I'm honored to have met your son, and I know it is unfair to ask you in such a state, but I do hope you'll approve of our relationship. He has done a great deal for me, and I... care immensely for him," She said, her cheeks turning a rosy red. "No matter how slim the chances, I hope we get to speak under much different circumstances some day."

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