Broken Plans

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"Hold on to these," Momo said, tossing both Kaina and Miruko a handful of canisters.

"What are they?"

"In giving up his Soul, he lost a weakness, but gained another," Momo responded, looking into the clouds, where purple Mana was swelling up. "He's not thinking as clearly anymore. Get close and use one of these on him. Don't breathe it in yourself."

"That didn't completely answer the question, but I get where you're going!" Miruko yelled, clipping the small bullet-sized canisters onto her armor.

Kaina grimaced. "I know you don't want to kill him, but-"

"Just trust me... please," Momo stared at Kaina with pleading eyes through her mask.

"Come on! Stop pussyfooting! Let's do this!"

"Do what?" Nine asked, standing behind Miruko suddenly. His eyes were hollow, replaced entirely by the purple glow of his Mana.

[The Monarch Apprentice, Nine]

Miruko spun around, kicking at his head. But this time, instead of using his shields, Nine caught the kick in his bare hands. The girls could hear his bones breaking under the force of the impact, but he showed no emotion, just a blank slate, filled with power.

"I will join their ranks. I will become a God and bring order to a new world. I can... bring back my family."

Kaina swiftly drew a handgun from her thigh holster. It was one of the few fully Magical Metal guns in existence. Her draw was second to none, except for maybe Billy the Kid. But pulling the trigger was useless, Nine moving just far enough to avoid the bullet. He was floating through 3D space like he was manipulating gravity.

"No idea what you're talking about!" Momo shouted, throwing one of the capsules in his direction as the other girls leapt away. It exploded in a burst of white mist right in Nine's face.

"Aerosolized propofol. You're trying to put me into a chemically-induced coma." As if taunting Momo, Nine took a deep breath, letting the chemical invade his lungs. "Gods don't sleep."

"Is that the best line you can come up with?!" Miruko shouted. "You lose your Soul for 2 seconds and suddenly you're boring!"

"He's not feeling the effects of the chemical?! Is that a Quirk... or is it because he lost his Soul?" Momo still wasn't 100% sure what Nine's true powerset was outside of the natural disasters and the quantum Quirk. The chemical was nearly identical to the one that the Russian's used on Sapporo. It affected Momo even, so it should've affected Nine.


[Quirk: Walking Disaster]

Quirk Class: XS-Rank

Cost: Mana is dependent on the weather created. A full lightning storm would consume roughly 10% of a National-Ranks Mana

Description: The user can create any sort of natural disaster. Storms, tornados, as well as earthquakes, wildfires, etc.

[Quirk: Layered Shields]

Quirk Class: A-Rank

Cost: There is no Magical cost, however, the shields can only handle so much force, with the rest being handled by the user's arms. This force can kill them.

Description: The user can create nine shields, which absorb any form of damage and apply that lessened force as kinetic energy on the user's arms. The more they're layered, the more damage they can absorb and weaken.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now