An Explanation

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"I refuse to be silenced! You cannot-" Quaresha was immediately silenced by Setsuna, who still had full control of her Soul.

[You have defeated a Monarch!]


1 Lord-Rank Item from the Shop

10 Levels

Nine's Soul

An explanation

"Explanation?" Momo blurted out in confusion.

"Well, I wanted to wait until you proved that you had the animosity to kill a Higher Being," Raia said, appearing from his custom Gate.

The girls, minus Setsuna, jumped to their feet, ready for another fight. But Izuku jumped in front of Raia. "Woah hold on! He's... well, I don't really know if he's on our side, but he's not an enemy either."

"That is a fair description," Raia acquiesced. "I am the Architect."

Both Momo and Quaresha's eyes went wide, and Setsuna briefly allowed her to speak. "You're supposed to be dead..."

Raia chuckled. "Ah, but I am glad I have lived this long! I never thought I would get to see a Monarch stuck in a mortal's body! Truly a captivating species!"

"You could've helped us out you know," Izuku remarked.

Raia, continuing to admire the view of a helpless Quaresha, shrugged. "I could have, but then, if Quaresha escaped, she would have known that her attempt to kill me failed, and reported that to her allies."

"Should we uhh..." Setsuna dragged a finger across her throat.

"No. You can feel her Soul and manipulate it, yes?" Setsuna nodded. "Then for now she might prove useful. You could kill her whenever you wanted, so she's of no threat, but she could have valuable information."

"Information on what?" Miruko asked. "What's going on here?"

Raia looked to Izuku. "Would you like the explanation now? The 'why' of the war that has found its way to your planet?"

Izuku looked over to Igris. "Woah, nice upgrade... Uhm, anyways, can you clean up here?"

Igris placed a hand over his chest. "It shall be done, my Liege."

"My Liege?!" Beru rushed over to him groveling at his feet. "You're not going to compliment my upgrade?! I am far more efficient than that rusty knight! I don't hesitate to kill pests!"

Izuku pursed his lips. "By pests... do you mean humans?"

"Of course!"

"Behemoth, you're looking awesome too," Izuku remarked.

"I am honored, my Liege."

"MY KING?!" Beru was practically bawling as Izuku addressed the other Shadows.

Izuku then looked over to Yuri Orlov, who still had his sister inside the barrier box. He'd already been backstabbed by her once, so he wasn't too confident about letting her out. Kaina translated for Izuku, she was fluent in plenty of languages."I can trust you to handle this all peacefully?"

Yuri sighed. "I tried to talk her out of all this to begin with. It's just a waste of time, money, and lives."

Izuku nodded. "We'll make sure the world knows that this was all some ploy. And also... since we're not gonna be fighting each other anymore... Can I get your autograph?" Momo didn't need to be told anything, already pulling out a notebook for Orlov to sign. Izuku, given the chance, would not miss out on the chance to get the strongest Russian Hero's signature.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now