March Out

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Sorry this chapter took so long, I've been filling out an additional Journal Page for Izuku on Skills, just to keep things tidy! Enjoy!


"Administer 10 milligrams every 12 hours and note changes in brain and liver activity," Deep Blue stood before a doctor, the man both fearful of the Shadow, and taken aback by his brazenness.

"I'm not just going to give the patient an unproven treatment! They're in the Eternal Slumber! We don't know what that will do to them!" To the doctor's credit, he managed to push down his fear for the sake of his patient.

"Miss Yajirobe is stable, and this medication, at worst, will do nothing. At best, according to the calculations of myself and my Lady, the patient will regain consciousness." Deep Blue had sought out one of the Eternal Slumber patients at the command of Momo. It was the family member of one of the Tracer Squadron Pilots, who had been bribed by Endeavor.

Momo could've tried the treatment on Izuku's mother first, but the reason she didn't was two-fold. The Empress targeting a specific woman with the Eternal Slumber would be suspicious, and there was a chance, however slim, that the treatment could make the patient worse. The percentage chance of that happening was next to zero, but so was the chance of the first atomic bomb igniting the atmosphere and killing all life on the planet. There was always going to be some risk to anything new.

However, they weren't using this woman as a guinea pig to be cruel. The pilot was already behind bars and because of this, there was no one to fund the life support system of the comatose woman. The doctors were going to take her off life-support soon anyways, so they might as well try to save her at the last minute, and test a theory at the same time.

"If you will not administer the treatment, I will kill you where you stand and perform the task myself." Deep Blue no longer had the strength to contend with National-Ranks, but he had the power to tear a human in half, no problem. Izuku would've taken issue with the methods he used, but Deep Blue was chasing knowledge, a trait that, in his previous life, drove him to commit some very disturbing acts. He'd tempered slightly in the presence of Momo and Izuku, but only slightly.

"You are going to damn this human female regardless, no?"

The doctor gritted his teeth. "I could lose my license..."

"Hmm..." Deep Blue calculated the percentage chance of the man losing his license, as well as the impact it would have on the man's life. After all, he was ordered to save lives by any means necessary, but not to ruin other lives in the process. He could threaten them all he wanted, but causing actual harm was not acceptable. "Very well, I will take this patient off your hands and perform the tests myself. You should feel honored to have the Empress and Monarch personally oversee the care of one of your patients." Deep Blue strolled into the hospital room.

"Well hold on! I didn't say you could just take her!"

"I wasn't asking." Deep Blue opened the portal to the Luxian laboratory, wheeling the hospital bed and all the equipment inside without another word. "My Liege and Lady shall reimburse you for the life support systems." And just like that he closed the portal, leaving the room empty, aside from a single doctor in stunned silence.


Bael's forge was filled with a clamor. Metal tools struck the anvil, molten liquid poured out faster than ever to meet increasing demands.

With Russia suddenly implementing Magical Metals into their army, practically every other military in the world was going to be left playing catch-up. Now, their tanks and jets could only be damaged by Magical means. It was akin to the development of the firearm killing off the need for well-trained knights wielding swords. Anyone could shoot a gun and kill a well-trained knight, but not everyone could wield a sword and match a knight in combat. It was what made medieval reenactments so exciting. It was a display of skill and steel. Watching a sharpshooter competition was nothing compared to two men in heavy armor swinging massive broadswords at each other.

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