The Monarchs' Clash

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The last chapter update took like 2 months, this one took like 4 days. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I hope you enjoy!


"Woah! That was a big one!" Nejire looked off into the distance as dirt and debris went flying into the air. "Do you think we should go help, Ryukyu?" She looked over at her teacher with big eyes, which some would compare to "puppy-dog eyes." It was almost as if she wanted to get more involved in the war.

Both girls were hovering above the ground, at about the halfway point of the convoy to guard the less powerful soldiers, while the Shadow team pushed deeper into Russian territory and while the Ravagers remained at the coast to shell anything that came close.

"We expected a National-Rank. You and I can't handle that, we'd just get in the way." Her eyes were sunken and red with veins. She hadn't gotten much sleep. In fact, she'd barely taken her armor off to relax.

"But if it was a trap, we might be able to help the soldiers! Keep the fight contained to just the National-Ranks!"

Ryuko put a hand to her ear. "Admiral Mori, permission to help the forward-operating squad?"

The comms crackled heavily, buzzing in and out due to Ryukyu and Nejire's high Mana stores. They were pretty adept at controlling their Mana, limiting the effect it had on real world technology, but it was still difficult to create technology that could hold up to S-Rank or higher powers. In fact, it was a very high-profile issue that was growing rapidly. The "Mana Singularity" posited that eventually, there would be too much Mana in humanity to have a technological society. There would be too much Mana filling the air for even basic technology. In recent years, wifi signals and computers had begun to show signs of disrepair, slowing down and sometimes breaking.

"Permission... granted... up... you."

"He said it's up to us," Ryukyu relayed, interpreting the breaks in communication.

"Well, what do you wanna do, teach?" Nejire asked. "Should we-"

In the distance, another explosion of dust and debris shot into the air, looking more like a mushroom cloud than anything else.

"Yeah, let's clear the perimeter... and stay out of the way..."


Moments Earlier:

Momo couldn't react in time. Quaresha's physical speed went far beyond anything Awakened Humans had achieved. The only reason she survived was because the armor Miruko was wearing also went beyond anything Awakened Humans had achieved.

Shoving her to the side, Miruko took the brunt of the blow, flying through dozens of walls and eventually slamming into the rocket on the launchpad.

The colony ship, fuel, embryos, genetic databases, seed vaults and more, combusted in an instant, exploding in a plume of smoke. At the very least, it alerted the surrounding area. The soldiers and Katya's family took off running, and Kaina was informed that someone inside the building was stronger than Miruko herself. Not quite what she expected to see.

However, being the soldier she was, she immediately adjusted her aim. Using her eyes to see through all the material in the way, she fired without hesitation at the godlike being who had just wrecked one of the world's strongest physical attackers.

All things considered, Kaina didn't even expect to hit her mark, but instead, the bullet ripped into her skull. Before it was even halfway through, the round exploded, spraying the woman's brain matter all over the control room and Momo. In fact, Momo was the reason Kaina didn't fire at full power, she would've been caught in the crossfire. It was something she'd shortly regret.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now