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Izuku didn't bother pointing out to the ant that he would die. He had already resolved to put the creature down after all. He instead condensed Dark Magic above the ant, creating a sphere of pure darkness before shooting it upwards at an asinine rate, disappearing from sight so quickly that it may have vanished into space.

Within the six classic elements of Magic: Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Light, and Dark, they all had special off-shoots. For humans it was rare that anyone would have true control over a single element. Most of the time, Awakened humans were given basic Elemental Magic, which boiled down to throwing a few attacks consisting of that element. Or they were given something specialized, like Spatial Magic, with a set limit on how they could use it. But for those who could actually control an element, there was practically no limit on how far down that elemental branch you could reach. Within such potent Dark Magic, Izuku had access to so much he hadn't even been able to utilize it all. Each element could combine with another to form something special. Light and Dark created Spatial Magic, Air and Fire created Lightning Magic, and so on and so forth.

But if you followed a single element down to the purest it could be, you found something that turned basic elements into Godlike powers. For example, Fire Magic became Nuclear Magic.

For Izuku, when he was inside the caverns, so completely blended with the Darkness that nothing could find him, he found the true power that his armor gave to him. At the very depths of Dark Magic, past what anyone could observe, there was a fundamental aspect of the universe itself, Gravity Magic.

Izuku was no longer standing on a platform of Dark Magic. He was merely floating in the air, defying gravity... literally.

[Notice: Dominator's Touch is compatible with Dark Magic.]

[Notice: Monarch's Presence is compatible with Dark Magic.]

[Reintegrating Skill...]

[Dominator's Touch has been merged with the Player's Dark Magic abilities.]

[Monarch's Presence has been merged with the Player's Dark Magic abilities.]

[Apex Magic Skill: Shruikan, Lord of Darkness has been acquired.]


[Skill: Shruikan, Lord of Darkness]

Apex Magic Skill

Mana Cost: Determined by the strength of the Magic cast. For example, using Gravity Magic to lift a cup costs next to nothing, but trying to lift a mountain takes excessive amounts of Mana and concentration.

The Player gains control of all Ranks of Dark Magic, no matter what Elemental Gems are equipped (although equipping Dark Elemental Gems do boost the power of any Dark Magic). These Magics include, but are not limited to: Curse Magic, Shadow Magic, Soul Magic, Disease Magic, Torture Magic, Void Magic, Gravity Magic. The Player can use Dark Magic to combine with other Magics if they are capable of using other Magics through various equipped Elemental Gems.

Dark Magic cast with this Skill removes its inherent weakness to Light Magic of any kind that is not cast with an Apex Skill.

This Skill works in relation with the Intelligence Stat, growing stronger as the Stat rises.


When it came to Magic, the biggest downside was both the Mana cost and the focus required to operate said Magic. And while the so-called Apex Skill didn't remove, or even really lessen the Mana cost, it did clear the other hurdle.

Izuku had managed to cast Magic mid-battle several times, but it had caused lapses in his concentration and his reaction times with Magic were much slower compared to his physical reflexes. Now, it was like Dark Magic and his body were one and the same. Everything suddenly got easier, like adding extra processing power to a computer.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now