Deus Ex

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Disclaimer: This chapter and probably future chapters will be using A.I. art from MidJourney to express some of my imagery better. I would love to commission artists for all of this, but just a single image can be like 60 USD and can take weeks if not months to deliver. And unfortunately I don't have that sort of time or cash flow for a fanfiction that's being read for free. And I can't draw for shit lol. Anyways, enjoy!


"Oh... Oh my god..." Aoi Akari, the head of broadcasting at Hero News Japan, was staring at the last footage captured by the camera at site Charlie. It was the view of a headless man... her employee, her friend.

"Ma'am! Call from the Safety Commission!"

"P-Put it through..." She muttered.

"My name is Takashi Arata, the current head of the Hero Safety Commission. Those cameras, they're high speed right?"

"Uh... What?"

"Miss Akari, I understand this is a difficult time, but I need you to focus."

Akari shook her head. "Yes... Yes, the cameras were designed with magical cores, and high speed shutters. They're able to capture a couple frames of even S-Ranks. Hawks is the fastest S-Rank in Japan aside from All Might, and we managed to even get some footage of him at full speed."

"Good, I need you to scrub through the footage, right before... right before Hawks died. I need to see what did this."

"Okay..." Akari gestured to one of her staff. "I need the footage for Charlie-Cam, rewind to just before Hawks... you know. Advance frame-by-frame until you have something."

The footage on one of the displays jumped back to a view of Hawks... with his head still attached. He was smiling, chatting with Endeavor and pushing the nutjob's buttons.

The footage advanced until his head disappeared from his shoulders. The man staffing the station rewinded just a few frames and began scrubbing through. But nothing revealed itself. Hawks' head was there... then it wasn't.

"You're going too fast..." Akari said, moving down to the station and adjusting the footage herself. "Or... you're not..."

One frame Hawks was there, the next, he was dead.

"This can't be..." Akari muttered under her breath. She took a step back, falling into her chair. "Whatever it is... it's moving so fast that it makes Hawks look... slow... We can't even see what it is... Not a single frame."

Takashi licked his lips, his mouth going dry. "I see. Thank you." He hung up, turning to one particular part of the command center. The part he never used. "Be ready to evacuate."

The men and women stared at Takashi. "Evacuate what?"

"Japan itself..." Takashi punched the table with all his might, denting the metal before him. "Be ready to evacuate the country. Because if Nagant can't handle this..." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "Where are you... Izuku Midoriya?"


5 Hours Earlier:

"You sure this will work?" Izuku asked Momo as he played around with his new armor, and while Merix set up the Spatial Magic artifact. The Dark Gems embedded in the armor all seemed to be S-Rank, meaning they gave him a level of magical control like never before. At least when it came to Dark Magic.

It wasn't just control either, Izuku felt like he could look through every single square inch of shadow. Anywhere touched by darkness was a source of information for Izuku.

Momo had her arms crossed. "I'm sure!"

Usually Izuku believed basically anything she said, but he was a tiny bit skeptical this time. Not because he doubted Momo, just that he doubted the safety of the technique she was proposing.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now