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Izuku sat on his couch, flipping through the channels.

"Recent allegations against Endeavor and his agency..."

"Victims include 7 Japanese and 1 Korean...

"Takashi Arata, the head of the Hero Safety Commission's Raid Operations..."

"Currently there is no information on the identity of the newly revealed Shadow Monarchs..."

"Assumedly a young adult male and a young adult female..."

"Many on-board the carrier claim that the dead were resurrected..."

"Three Villains were known to have worked with the military during the Jeju Raid and have not been seen since..."

"Families of the victims are demanding answers..."

"Two new National-Ranks..."

"A service is to be held two days from now for both the public and the fellow Heroes who knew the brave Top Ten. Among the dead was also Touya Todoroki, contracted as an American Hero. Thomas Andre had this to say on his loss."

Izuku almost flipped away from that news station as well, but paused when hearing mention of Thomas.

"It was stupid for him to go to that island, too many S-Ranks have died there," Thomas bluntly said.

"Do you blame Japan for the loss of one of your S-Ranks?"

"Japan?" The mountain of a man lowered his sunglasses to glare at the reporter with golden eyes. "Dabi was a big boy, he made his own decisions, I'm not gonna disrespect those decisions by throwing a tantrum at a country that didn't even request him to be there. I'm mad as hell that he's dead, but I'm not a child." As if to prove his point, Thomas strolled into his Agency building, slamming the door.

Izuku smirked as the news continued on. There was way too much for him to absorb. And it was even harder for the un-Awakened Kei sitting next to him.

"Can you just stop on one instead of doing that?" She asked as he continued changing channels.

"Sorry..." He handed her the remote as he looked through Igris's eyes on Jeju. The Shadows were really good for surveillance, as he was also monitoring the surviving Heroes of the Raid, even the Korean ones.

Sung Jin-Woo and almost all of his team were alive, but the man was ready to tear Japan a new asshole for allowing his friends to be endangered like that, and especially for the death of Euonseok. It wasn't like he was just gonna start killing innocent people in Japan or anything, but Izuku was keeping a close eye on him regardless.

On the island, crews were gathering up the crystals, eyeing the Shadows suspiciously as they did so. A few times the men and women tried waving to the Shadows, getting no response unless they waved at Igris.

The noble knight, enveloped by his cape of darkness, would give a knightly bow in respect of the workers. It would be some time before they could even consider building Jeju back up, but Izuku would be ready to support them when that happened. It wasn't a Heroic impulse to help with every construction effort in the world, it was just that he had also caused a great deal of damage and owed it to the Koreans. Not only that, but Japan had acted shamefully. And regardless of Izuku's stance on nationalism or whatever, he wanted to help repair the damage done by Endeavor.

"Where's Yaomomo?" Kei asked suddenly.

"Huh? Oh she's off doing her own thing," Izuku responded, not quite sure what exactly she was doing, but he figured it was important if she was so ready to rush off.

"Is that like... code for you guys split up and she's with another guy?"

"What?! No!" Izuku eyed her with bewilderment. "What made you jump to that?"

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now