Power over Death

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[Izuku Midoriya, do you accept the role of Shadow Monarch?]


[Izuku Midoriya, do you accept the role of Shadow Monarch?]

Izuku groaned, realizing he was resting on the steps just in front of the throne, his fingers outstretched towards it. He was alive, but he was also laying in a puddle of his own blood. He was too weak to move. Fighting Igris had taken more from him than he realized. And the wounds inflicted by the knight had not been made with a fragile touch.

[Izuku Midoriya, do you accept the role of Shadow Monarch?]

"Shadow... Monarch?" Izuku's vision wavered. He was starting to lose consciousness again. The shadows created by the flickering torch danced along the walls, giving Izuku glimpses of horrible beasts in his delirious state.

[Izuku Midoriya, do you accept the role of Shadow Monarch?]


Suddenly, the shadows on the walls peeled away, rushing towards Izuku with abandon, making him question whether or not he was hallucinating.

It reminded him of the shadows that crept up his body when he first touched the throne back in that world of darkness. The pain had consumed every thought during then, so he could only brace himself and hope it wouldn't be so agonizing.

But it was for nothing. When the shadows washed over him, it was not a wave of pain, but a gentle cooling balm.

Izuku felt his bones, his ligaments, everything, pulling themselves back together. A rush of endorphins and serotonin flooded his mind. For just a moment, everything in the universe made sense, felt right. Then, the shadows settled, and Izuku's lungs were finally allowed to fill with air.

He pushed himself back to his feet, feeling lighter than ever despite his Stats looking no different.

[Please choose a command phrase for Shadow Extraction.]

Izuku rubbed at his temples. "Give me a minute..." He tried to recall the System Messages he'd seen before passing out. "Something about... calling the..." His eyes widened and he spun around, his Sense Stat telling him that Igris was alive and well behind him.

The knight could have easily killed him, but instead, it was kneeling just a few feet away from Izuku. Except, it wasn't the same Igris Izuku had seen before.


[Igris Lvl. 1 - Elite Knight Grade]

Skills: Blood-Red Blade

Equipment: Shadow Blade of the Royal Guard


He was the exact same shape as the old Igris, but instead of his crimson-red armor, he was wearing armor made completely of flowing smoky shadows accented by lines of emerald-green energy. No, it wasn't just his armor. He was made of shadows. And over in the corner laid his original body, still dead.

"Shadow Extraction..." Izuku mumbled breathlessly, realizing the true strength he had just been granted. "Wait..." He quickly worked his way through the System until he reached one of his Quirks.


[Soul List:]



51 Shriekers

15 Clicker Tortoises

Non-Elemental Drake

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now