The Ritual

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Should probably acknowledge the final scene of the last chapter, this story will not have sexual assault or anything like that. Was just leaning into the eroticism of religious nuts. I have a lot of experience writing erotica so... yeah. Anyways enjoy!


"Izu! You're on the news!" Kei shouted from the living room as Izuku crawled out of bed, his body sore from the exhaustion of the previous days. It was a good thing the Daily Quest hadn't been activated by the time dilation of the Recursive Gate because he didn't want any more exercise than he had already gotten. He'd have to handle it today, but then he could use the Status Recovery to heal his tired bones, so it wasn't all bad.

"Yeah?" He walked in with his phone in his hand, he still hadn't received anything from Yaoyorozu. It was one thing for her not to respond yesterday. No doubt she went home and passed out from exhaustion, probably forgetting about their deal to meet up at the cafe, but to still have nothing from her? It worried him.

"Yeesh... you look like a rat made a home in your hair," Kei stood and combed her fingers through his hair until it was at least a little less messy. "Are you okay? You look sick."

"Yaoyorozu still hasn't messaged me..."

Kei winced at that. "You didn't say anything stupid to her did you?"

"What?! No!"

"Just checking! Just checking!" Kei said, holding up her hands in placation. "You don't exactly have the hottest social streak so I just wanted to make sure. So if you didn't say anything, the two options are... she's sleeping late, or she's ghosting you."

"She wouldn't do the latter," Izuku said, certain of himself.

"Then give her till the afternoon, even a girl like her takes a lazy day to sleep in."

"Maybe..." Izuku glanced up from his phone to the Tv, where a reporter was gesturing at a still image of him and Setsuna carrying their teammates through the Gate.

"Hey, not bad! I expected you to have some stupid look on your face! This is a nice, serious, but not too scary look for you!"

Izuku rolled his eyes as his sister continued to analyze his televised appearance.

"So what are you gonna do about the two that saw the Shadows?"

Izuku shrugged. "One seems too serious for her own good. I doubt she'd spill the beans. The other... I can't be sure, she seemed a little... excitable. But I made a promise to tell them."

"You know you don't have to keep every promise you make, right Izu? Even if you don't tell them, who's gonna believe that you have an army like that? No Summoner has ever managed to call upon more than a few Summoned creatures at a time."

Izuku gave Kei a withering stare, "They were good teammates, they helped in that final battle. I can't just go back on a promise. You shouldn't go back on a promise either."

Kei shrugged. "If keeping a promise is more harm than good, then I'm gonna abandon it. Sorry, but that's how it is." Izuku just shook his head. "Hey didn't you say you had a bunch of stuff from the System?"


"Well don't bother waiting for Yaoyorozu, get that stuff done so that you can meet her as soon as she responds."

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck, again looking down at his phone, as if that would conjure a text from her. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He went to retreat back into his bedroom, but stopped short. "Oh by the way, school starts next week so I should be getting a package with my uniforms soon. Just keep a lookout for those."

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