Wrap Up

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Quick disclaimer here, there were eight deaths in total, not seven as I said in the last chapter.


The second Izuku and Momo announced their Hero names to the world, they were bombarded with a bevy of questions.

"What's your real name?"

"Are you Japanese?"

"Why did you just now show up?"

"Did you just Awaken?"

"What's with all those shadow monsters?"

"What are your thoughts on Endeavor and the deaths of the Top Ten?"

Izuku was somewhat taken aback by the brazenness of the reporter. Obviously he was going to ask who they were, and what the Shadows were, but he crossed the line asking about the Top Ten and Dabi when they hadn't even died a full hour ago.

Despite that, neither Izuku nor Momo wanted to be the type of Hero to instill fear in others with their raw strength, so they settled for the rather passive: "All you need to know about us is that we're here to help."

The reporter tried to cram closer to Izuku and Momo and ask more questions, which caused Igris, and Kaisel to emerge from their shadows. Beru probably would've popped up too, but he was ensuring that the fleet was safe from Nomu.

"My Liege's concerns rest firmly within the safety of this fleet. Please save the questioning for later."

"My Lady should not be bothered with such pointless drivel at such a time!"

Kaisel was a bit more aggressive about it, but they both got their point across. However, it was Admiral Mori who finally got the man to step down.

"I concur with the summoned creatures!" He said, Merrix following close behind him. "It's too early to relax! Give us a full report!"

Izuku had to respect the man's unflappable devotion to the success of the mission. He didn't question Igris or Kaisel speaking of their own accord. He even acknowledged them.

"The Queen and the Raid Boss are both dead. The Nomu are currently being cleaned up by our summons, we have no reason to believe they will be anything less than completely successful, but we're going to leave some here as insurance during recovery of the island." Izuku gave his part, focusing on the physical threat of the Villains.

"The F-54s have been taken control of and their pilots are being apprehended on other decks," Momo said, gesturing behind her to the pilot being pulled out of Wyvern 1-1. Admiral Mori, for a moment, held the power of the Gods within his eyes. He was ready to incinerate the pilot down to the smallest atom for his insubordination and pure stupidity. But like the military man he was, he held his tongue. "Endeavor escaped the island, we tried searching but we couldn't find his exact Mana Signature, the island's putting off too much Magical Energy on its own. We're also having our summons extract resources for the people of Korea to rebuild with and like Monarch said, they'll remain there for protection and to assist in the construction if necessary."

The Admiral paused for a moment, impressed by the two, who were clearly young. Well, young to him at least, he had been in the game for quite some time. Not only that, but he felt inspired by them. Sure they had shown up late, but they had completely saved the day, worked with the military respectfully, prioritized lives, and even left the spoils for someone else. Those sorts of Heroes just didn't exist in this day and age. Of course he didn't know about Beru's core, but even if he had, the two were still leaving a lot behind for the good of others. Besides, they had definitely earned that core.

"Understood. The fleet will remain here for the next couple of days, rotating a work force in and out to assess damages and begin the process of preparing the island for habitation once more." He pursed his lips and lowered his voice before saying to Izuku, "I saw what you did there at the end. With the ant I mean. You... resurrected him... correct?"

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