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"Well, we spent most of our time together in war," Kaina said, gratefully accepting a new cup of tea from Igris, who continued to serve them as the night ran later.

"War?" Momo asked.

Kaina nodded. "The worlds in my previous lifetimes were a mess. There were no Awakened Humans, so between the Gates, and humanity's own struggle for power and resources..." She didn't need to say anything else on the subject. "I was part of the SDF Special Forces, a sniper."

"Shocking," Momo teased.

"Me and Izuku went to the same schools. So we already knew each other before being drafted, and he already had a crush on me... which I was unaware of," She mentioned that last part with a great deal of embarrassment. "He always wanted to save people, so of course, he ended up as a field medic. And I didn't see him for several months after that. Wasn't even sure if he was alive. But during an operation against North Korean forces, something went wrong and my squad was ambushed. We always operated on the assumption that we were on our own after deployment. Forces were spread so thin that no one could spare a rescue operation. So when I got shot, I was pretty certain I was dead."

"And then Izuku showed up?"

Kaina smiled. "It was actually his bloodthirsty maniac of a friend who I saw first. He mowed down a couple dozen people, allowing Izuku to reach me."

"Friend...? He wasn't... blonde was he?"

The sniper gave a lopsided grin. "Katsuki Bakugo persists even through past lives apparently."

"I think I need a minute to process that information..."

Kaina did her best to suppress the belly laugh that threatened to burst out after seeing Momo's face. "He was actually a half-way decent person in most of my memories. He was still Bakugo, but he was more of a vulgar arrogant goofball than an arrogant asshole... at least when we weren't on mission." Kaina grabbed at her head and made a small groan of pain.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... it's just that more memories have been coming back to me in greater detail since meeting Izuku at Jeju. It's a lot of stuff to handle. The name Bakugo wasn't in my memories up until just a few moments ago."

Momo scoffed. "That was probably for the best."

"Well... anyways, in about three of my past lives, I died right then and there. I don't know what Izuku was like after that."

Momo cringed inwardly, remembering Izuku's own recounting of his dreams. In some of them, he apparently committed suicide. She decided not to bring up that detail, and remained silent as Kaina continued.

"But in the other four lives, we made it back to base and because of my injuries, I was given a leave of absence, as was Izuku. But that was so he could... propose to me..." Her eyes narrowed in happiness. "Our world was a mess, so he decided to bypass a date, and just marry me."

"I assume you accepted?"

She nodded. "We only got a bit of time as a domestic couple, but it was... incredible." Kaina couldn't help the blush that darted across her face. "He routinely woke me up with breakfast in bed, he cooked, he cleaned, he took care of everything while I recovered. We got to have a normal life for a bit after I recovered. We went out to expensive restaurants, we went sightseeing, we went to Disneyland... we just... enjoyed each other's company."

"He doesn't sound all that different from this Izuku," Momo said with a dreamy smile. "Except for the cooking part." The girls shared a chuckle.

"He was great... perfect even," Kaina looked bashful. "I didn't even really have some deep reason for loving him. He saved my life and took care of me. But I think even without that..." She trailed off, unable to finish her train of thought.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now