Shadowy Adivsor

578 28 16

Merry Christmas! This chapter is a little... expository, so it's not the most exciting, sorry! But it needed to be done and I wanted to put something out for Christmas! Happy Holidays to all!


"In days past, the people of Japan looked to All Might's beaming smile to save them all, but today, a much different story is emerging! Where once Japan was protected by a powerful light, they now find themselves hidden beneath a blanket of darkness!" The news chopper hovered just outside of Sapporo city, the cameraman getting a good view of the beaches, where Tenebris stood watch. An F-54 roared past the camera, giving them a good view of the high-tech shadow jet.

"Demons and shadowy figures have long been looked upon as bearers of evil, signs of darkness. Today, they are Japan's greatest Heroes! At approximately 8 o'clock in the morning, the forces of Russia launched..."

Sung Jin-Woo turned down the tv, turning to the chairman of Korea's Hero Commission. "We should help."

Go Gunhee interlaced his fingers, a speculative look in his eyes. He was an old man, but he was as sturdy as a tree, you'd never know the man had a heart condition. "You want me to advocate to the Korean government to help a country - which just recently betrayed us - in a war we have nothing to do with?"

"Without Japan Jeju would've been an even more colossal failure," Cha Hae-In countered. "And they rebuilt the city within a few hours, when it would've taken us years."

Go Gunhee shook his head. "We owe a debt of gratitude to the Shadow Monarchs, not Japan." He held up a hand to stop the couple from saying anything more. "Even if I thought it was a wise decision, we'd never get approval. To help them after they just betrayed us would look weak. And while I've never cared much about public image, the country and its people do. If the Shadows Monarchs personally asked for money, or Magical equipment from Korea's Hero Commission, I would drop everything to pay them back for what they have done for us. But that does not mean I feel the same way about Japan. Two honorable individuals do not properly represent a country. And that is only their surface appearance, we do not know their true motives. Joining a war is not a gift we can afford to give the Shadow Monarchs."

Sung Jin-Woo scowled. "If I went to the government personally-"

"They couldn't stop you from going physically, but they'd oppose it. Do you really want the South Korean government as your enemy? Not to mention Russia and whatever other countries are involved here." Go Gunhee was just as annoyed by the bureaucracy, but Sung Jin-Woo was Korea's star Hero, he had to advise him wisely. "Do not mistake me for a callous man. I realize there will be innocent men, women, and children suffering, and it pains my heart, quite literally," He said, popping a pill for his condition, which was exacerbated by stress. "But it is the duty of every country's officials to put the safety and comfort of their citizens first. I must put Korea first, just as Japan will put their people first. It is not a perfect system, but this is not a perfect world." He gave Sung Jin-Woo a stern glare, as if reminding him of this fact, which he was already well-acquainted with. "Think over your decision before you make it."

With that, he went back to the pile of papers on his desk. His stance was clear, and he said all he needed to. It was up to the Heroes now.

Sung exchanged a glance with his wife, who was fidgeting with uncertainty. He sighed. "Thanks, old man." He bowed respectfully to the chairman, who responded with a fatherly nod.

"Be well," He said, as the two took their leave. Once they were gone, he put a hand to his head and took a deep breath. "Curse this old body of mine..."


"A nuclear response is always viable. Russia's armaments have long since decayed. They are still armed with missiles from the Cold War, which are more likely to detonate before even leaving the launch silo than make landfall in Japan."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now