Arctic Artillery

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It appears that I've been spelling Ochako wrong for like... years now because of the way it's spelled on the wiki and other fics. So if you wonder why it's now K instead of C, that's why. I falsely believed that C and K were kinda like R and L in the Japanese language. To be honest I could be wrong about those as well. Idk man, I'm just an American.


"Fifteen targets up ahead," Jiro reported.

"Looks like bears of some kind," Setsuna confirmed. In a somewhat disturbing fashion, half of her face was missing. Her Quirk allowed her to separate parts of her body and control them telekinetically.

"Alright!" Kaminari punched his palm, cracking his knuckles. "Then let's get down to-"

"No," Midnight cut him short. "This is a battle of stamina. We're going to take each conflict slowly and carefully." She then looked to Izuku. "Can you make a hollow sphere of ice?"

"Yeah, but what will..." Izuku's face lit up. "Oh that's brilliant!"

Ever so carefully, he wove his gauntlets around a single point in space, creating a thin sphere of crystal clear ice.

"What's going on? You guys have your own language now or something?" Kaminari asked, to which Jiro slapped him on the shoulder. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"It's a gas bomb, genius."

With the sphere completed, Izuku left a tiny hole at the top, which Midnight stuck her finger through. Though she could tear away parts of her skin-tight bodysuit to release massive amounts of the gas, she could also output it from anywhere on her skin. As such, she began to fill the icy container with the pale-purple mist, allowing it to build and build until the sphere was close to bursting from the pressure.

Midnight withdrew her finger and Izuku closed the hole as fast as possible. Once they were sure it was ready, Izuku handed it to Setsuna, who grinned mischievously now that her body parts were back.

Her right hand detached from her body, taking hold of the makeshift gas grenade and weaving through the forest.

"Are we gonna do this for every single Villain we come into contact with?" Kaminari asked, crossing his arms, clearly impatient.

"It's a sound strategy that, in the event of failure, still causes some chaos and confusion amongst our enemy."

"Yeah but what if the wind blows the gas towards us? We're gonna get knocked out too! Or we have to wait for the gas to dissipate before fighting the Villains?" Kaminari pointed out, to which everyone stared at him with wide eyes.


"You just... said something smart..." Jiro murmured in disbelief.

Kaminari rolled his eyes before smirking. "I'm always smart when it comes to the qualities of beautiful women," He said, winking at Midnight.

"It's a crime that you are legally considered an adult..." Jiro muttered under her breath.

"I'm in position," Setsuna interrupted. Through her eyes, she was just a few meters away from the ice bear clearing. Some were resting, but others were up and about. If she wasn't careful, they'd spot her before she could crush the sphere.

"Do it," Iida commanded.

Izuku, through his Sense Stat, felt her floating hand rush into the center of the pact and crush the thin sphere of ice. Thanks to the built up pressure, the gas exploded outwards, instantly enveloping the white fur with the pale-purple smoke. He didn't need superhuman hearing to catch their rage-filled roars, however.

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