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In case it's not clear, Shoto Todoroki is very OOC in this fic. I've tried to stick to some semblance of character canon consistency. Like for Izuku or Momo. But fanfiction will be fanfiction. I know Shoto isn't like this in canon, but I'm writing my own story and some story elements need to be bent. I just wanted to acknowledge it because I know some people are gonna have the thought: "Shoto would never do this in canon." Well this isn't canon! (I have had people complain to me about things not being canon. Which is silly considering this is a crossover fanfic lol) Anyways enjoy the chapter.


For the first time in his sheltered life, Shoto experienced something he could not describe. He had screwed up in his life before. He had messed up training and been physically hit by his father, he had expressed certain emotions and got burned by his mother when he was young and non-Awakened. But his mistakes had never made him feel like this.

The mistakes never put a pit of darkness in his stomach and a cloud of fog in his mind. His mistakes were punished but otherwise had no consequence on his life. They were forgotten the next day. Punches that he missed, fire he couldn't control, those had no real impact on the future. And yet, this mistake... had taken away his brother.

He had hid in wait, as Yogumunt instructed. He let those other Heroes die to this ant, instead of intervening, all to get to this point, to his own father's demise.

He had perfect invisibility. So perfect that nothing could see him when he attacked, when he moved, anything. Yogumunt's artifact was immensely powerful. It would've allowed Shoto to kill the ant without ever being spotted, and that was the reality of the situation. Yogumunt gave Shoto something that could kill the ant, he wasn't foolish enough to think Shoto could kill this being so easily.

But regardless of the artifact, Shoto had let the ant continue, all to get a shot at his father's head. And now, because of his inaction, his brother was laying face-down, dead, in the scorched earth. Where there was once a heart, a ribcage, lungs, there was now a torn and gaping wound. A hole in his chest.

Shoto was paralyzed by this feeling, the knowledge of what he had done. This mistake was forever. The stoic facade Shoto maintained faded away into horror. He fell backwards, collapsing, just like his brother.

"No... nonononono." Shoto scrambled to his feet, running away from the corpse as fast as he could. Despite being the one of the few remaining Japanese S-Ranks, one with a powerful item at that, he ran, and ran.

The ice that had tripped up his father melted away before anyone could see it. Endeavor would merely believe that a stroke of fate had made him trip and saved his life, not that his son that he spent years training, had attempted to kill him.

But if Shoto fought the Nomu now, questions would arise about his presence, questions about why he was there, questions about the artifact. And maybe his father would be able to piece it all together. There were too many questions. Shoto had a life of profit and luxury as an S-Rank ahead of him. Was he really willing to throw it away for his piece of shit father and Ryukyu? A lady he barely knew. No, he had been taught well by his father, who was looking for little more than power and pleasure, just as all S-Ranks partake in. Shoto knew that the S-Ranks abandoned things all the time to protect themselves. He was no different.

Even as Ryukyu's roars and the ant's screeches overlapped, Shoto didn't consider turning back. He didn't want to stop running, not until he was back at school, not until he was away from everything else. He'd never admit it, but that classroom was the closest he'd ever gotten to some semblance of normalcy. Maybe Yogumunt was right, and Izuku Midoriya was some enemy of humanity, maybe not. Shoto didn't know, and honestly didn't care. All he knew was that it was the only place he wanted to be.

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