Back To School

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"You know I'm gonna hate this, right?" Izuku asked, hand-in-hand with Yaoyorozu as they made their way to school. Setsuna had already gone on ahead of them.

"It'll be awkward, that's for sure." Momo replied, walking down the street as the procession of students came into view.

For a brief moment they were able to blend into the cavalcade. They were just another face in the crowd. But most of the students there were also Awakened. Every single one of them could sense the presence of a true monster in their midst.

Slowly, heads turned to scan the crowd, looking for the strongest Japan had to offer. And eventually, they caught sight. To say the students parted like the Red Sea would be cliche... but it would also be perfectly accurate. For a moment, no one said a word. It was just a second of uncomfortable silence with everyone staring at them.

Then, like air rushing back in after an explosion, Izuku and Momo became crowded amongst the students once again. Many asked for autographs, some asked for phone numbers, and some even shouted marriage proposals.

It may have sounded crazy, but in the advent of Awakened Humans, something called a "Power Marriage" came into popularity around the world. This resulted in families marrying away their sons or daughters in exchange for power, money, and influence. With Awakened Humans being the new pinnacle of humanity, they represented a "desirable" or even "superior" demographic.

These were essentially arranged marriages, and they resulted in a lot of abuse. Physical, verbal, emotional, and sexual all happened under the pretenses of these marriages, and most governments refused to step in. Of course, there were always exceptions to the rule and some Power Marriages went quite well, but the vast majority were... repulsive, to say the least. Those immoralities were ignored by the legal systems around the world as politicians were apart of many Power Marriages, and directly benefited from the suffering of their children and others in these positions.

In other words, many students, male and female alike at UA, had been asked... or rather ordered, by their parents to marry Izuku or Momo. The news that Izuku was open to polyamory opened the floodgates even further than they would have been otherwise. There was the chance for several students to marry into the relationship and some siblings even made these foolish attempts together.

Of course, neither Izuku or Momo cared for this blunt tactic. They openly detested it for obvious reasons and made sure to fix stern glares at the ones who thought they could just snap their fingers and get one of the two to fall for them. It wasn't entirely their fault, they were just misguided children after all, but it sent a message. .

This didn't deter any of them, especially not the lower Ranks, some of whom only came to UA in order to attempt Power Marriages with other more powerful classmates.

Izuku knew that some would see him as a womanizer the second he took another partner. They thought he would be captive to the whims of sexual appeal as he was "clearly" only interested in beautiful women. They had no idea he had very powerful reasons for choosing the women he did.

As a result, he had to direct his eyes upward as many female students flashed their panties, or less than that, at him. It was getting out of hand, and just as he was about to call upon the Shadows to disperse the crowd, a voice washed over it.

"I'd assume you kids had somewhere else to be..."

The voice was quiet, but it carried far. And it was accompanied by a sensation that the UA students were far too familiar with. A Quirk that limited the flow of Mana through the body by looking at them.

The smart ones scattered immediately, just hoping the owner of the voice and Quirk hadn't seen them directly. The ones too obsessed with obtaining something of worth from Izuku or Momo were blinded by greed, too much to think of self-preservation. They would all receive...

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now