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Okay so this chapter took so long because I had a mental breakdown. No, that's not a joke or exaggeration, I had a literal mental breakdown. Was not fun working through that. Fuck depression. Okay onto better things.

For those wondering I wasn't actually basing my shipping decisions off the comments I just wanted some time to sit with my thoughts (also being on the cusp of said mental breakdown probably made me extra susceptible to my doubts). I have made a decision. It's going to remain poly, but I am going to change a few things from the original. I don't want to spoiler but that begs the question of changing tags. Cause if I don't then it's kinda misleading and if I do it spoils. So what should I do? Anyways, on with the story.


[Tenebris Souls: 5,000/5,000]

[You have gained 18 Levels]

[754 Tenebris Lvl. 30 - Knight Grade have evolved into 754 Greater Tenebris Lvl. 1 - Elite-Knight Grade]

[Saved Shadows: 1,504/2,439]

Though the obliterated terrain of Tokyo was still very much on fire and desecrated by the many Particle Storms the Tenebris had used, it was now cleared of the destructive species.

Both Izuku and Momo let out a heavy sigh. By the end of the skirmishes, they were able to sit back and watch the Shadows deal with it all, especially Behemoth who was now Level 25, which was higher than even Igris.

"So Shadows evolve at Level 30 and reset to Level 1..." Izuku made note of such a development in Documentarian. It was a good thing the Quirk had many different ways to section off notes, otherwise it would've been a single massive chunk of text with no way to know where one part began and another ended.

"One down, one to go," Momo said, looking upwards, towards the city of opulence and perfection.

"How do you think gravity works up there?" Izuku asked.

"Well, when we fell we were above the Tenebris city, so my guess is that gravity is the same. Meaning we're gonna have to walk along ceilings or fall back to the demon territory."

"More heights...?"

Momo smirked. "Don't worry, I'll hold your hand."

Izuku's face went bright-red. "I-I'll be fine."

Momo laughed, a clear sound that could purify any condition. "I just wanted an excuse to hold your hand." Izuku turned a deeper shade of red, which she garnered great satisfaction from as she moved to start scaling the Skytree once more. "Come on! I wanna see what the angels look like!"

Izuku made sure to recall all the Shadows as he followed after her, taking great care with his steps and hand-holds. He really didn't want to fall all the way back down the tower.

While the pristine Skytree reached to its full height, the tip of the ruined demonic one fell just short. Meaning that even as the two reached the very top of their Skytree, they were a couple feet short of the angelic one. They'd have to jump the gap and grab hold. There was virtually zero risk, but it was still a little sketchy for Izuku.

Momo, without hesitation, leapt straight up, digging her fingers into the metallic structure and finding a safe place to lodge herself. As expected, the gravity stayed the same, pulling down on them, instead of flipping for the angel territory.

"Here! I'll help you!" Momo shouted down at Izuku, using Dominator's Touch to levitate him slowly up to the same place she was at.

"Uhh..." Izuku shook his head as vertigo set in. "This is trippy."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now