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Izuku blearily rubbed at his eyes, desperately trying to focus on the paper before him.

"You really should get some sleep," Kei sternly told him, trying to snatch away the papers on the table. She had been helping create a study plan for him, for his UA Entrance Exams.

Whilst the written portion was far less important than the practical portion, UA was still one of the best Hero Schools out there. And there were plenty of people who would claim it was the best in the entire world. It required a certain degree of knowledge to get in and stay as a student.

Because Hero Agencies had all sorts of paperwork, and responsibilities, students, who would one day become apart of these agencies, or even found one themselves, needed a good deal of intellect.

Mathematics, language skills, history, as well as studying battle plans and formations, were all important parts of the written exams. How to calculate earnings, communications with the squad and possibly even foreign Heroes, the history of Villains and their biology, and knowing how to work in a group.

Even with Kei's help, Izuku was struggling. He knew that Yaoyorozu would pass both portions without any sort of strain given her intelligence and newfound confidence. Izuku himself had no reservations about conquering the practical exam, but it had been quite some time since he'd studied this hard and for this long.

"The exam is tomorrow. I gotta get whatever study time I can manage. You should go get some rest, though. You don't need to oversee me."

Kei rolled her eyes. "I'm up till like 2 in the morning most days, Izu. Don't worry about my sleep schedule. But you need to sleep. You'll lose more than you'll gain if you stay up all night trying to cram. Your brain needs to reset and properly arrange all the new information its been given." She wasn't fast enough or strong enough to grab the papers from her brother, so all she could do was stand up and sternly glare at him. "Go! To! Bed!"

Izuku sighed, knowing that she was right. "I'm scared I might not pass."

"You'll get a decent enough score to pass the written test," She assured him.

"But decent isn't enough to beat the other applicants..."

"Then you'll just have to show off during the practical exam... without exposing the System, of course." She smugly crossed her arms. "While you were trying to study, I researched all of UA's criteria and some of their alumni. A lot of them had subpar written scores, but excellent practical exam portions. You've spent a lot more time than most others doing Raids, so the examiner will see that you're more experienced and give you a higher score! You'll get in, Izu. You just gotta get some rest for tomorrow."

As Izuku's will to remain awake faded, he let a yawn slip through his lips, followed by a tired chuckle. "Fine... I guess I'll... get some..." His head fell back against the couch, his eyelids closing over the emerald-green irises.

Kei stared in disbelief that he could fall asleep so fast and whilst still upright. She turned around to fetch a blanket, but by the time she spun back, a dark shadowy figure was looming over her brother. She nearly shrieked, until she realized that it was just Igris.

Her brother had already shown off the stoic knight to his sister, who was interested in seeing his new powers. However, it still took a bit of getting used to.

Igris nimbly worked his hand between Izuku and the couch, scooping him up before tucking him away beneath the sheets of his bed.

It was quite the sight for Kei. Watching an S-Rank, one that could likely tear down a whole city and was once a Villain, tuck her brother into bed like it was a doting parent. And something about the Shadow made her feel strange.

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now