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Alright finals are nearly over! One last paper to submit and I'll be free! Also I tried to make an Ai Image of what I thought Miruko's armor would look like, roughly, but Midjourney was just not having it. It would not make leg armor no matter how much I tried, so sorry about that! Enjoy!


There were a few reasons Momo didn't use Synthesize on the SU-57s. First and foremost being that she was currently one away from being maxed out on her Synthetic Shadow Limit, that being 35/36. She could have banished some Lux from her slots to make room, however, as she had discovered through testing with other pieces of technology, once she banished something it was gone forever. With the Lux this wasn't a problem, they had thousands of their Soul's stored. But if she took the SU-57s right then and there, and then needed to banish them, they would be gone. If she left their wreckage mostly intact, she could go back and claim them later. It was a safer strategy for preserving resources and studying the new blend of magic and technology. Not to mention, the SU-57s were pretty maneuverable and extremely fast. Trying to Synthesize them whilst they were taking evasive action would have wasted far too much time.

Since they seemed to be for defending their navy against air threats, Momo correctly deduced that they posed no direct threat to the people on the ground. To put it another way, she was saving them as a "snack" for her powers later on.

Momo couldn't Synthesize something if it was completely blown to pieces. She couldn't find a computer chip that was once part of a fighter jet and then reproduce the entire jet craft from that one piece, but if there was a good chunk of the plane left, then it would be brought back no problem. Her Wyvern Squadron had actually done a good job of bringing down the SU-57s without completely obliterating them because the jets were extremely durable thanks to the Magical Metal they were built with.

So while the F-54s handled the skies, and the Tenebris handled the land, Momo would take care of the seas. She was standing atop the nearest building with a view of the sea. It was actually a few miles away from the coast, as there were no big urban buildings near the sea. But the distance wouldn't be a problem, not for what she was putting together.

Support struts buried themselves into the concrete of the building's roof, ensuring that it wouldn't launch itself in the opposite direction it was firing. Its base was a large rectangular shape that held the inner mechanisms and allowed Momo to load in her ammo. And its barrel?

Four parts stretched out about a meter, forming an X-shape centered around the firing mechanism for the weapon. Each of the four long parts was lined with powerful magnets, strong enough to accelerate a piece of metal to Mach 10, at least, if they were powered by standard means. Momo was using her own Mana, her own energy, to force the machine to quadruple its output.

This was a railgun that was many times more powerful than any military on the planet was in possession of and it was aimed directly at the destroyers just off the coast.

The shell she created and loaded into the weapon was the size of a football, relatively small compared to some other ammo. But it didn't need anymore mass, it had the advantage of speed.

Momo placed her hand against the side of the machine, pumping enormous amounts of pure energy into it. Because she was still using Izuku's old armor set, along with the Crystal Crushers Gauntlet, she had access to the Omni-Elemental Gem. It meant she could use Energy Magic to supercharge the railgun.


The railgun made a high-pitched noise, rising in intensity before-


Not even Momo could track the object as it surpassed exit velocity. It didn't explode against the hull of her target, it just went straight through it, carrying so much raw kinetic force that the metal around it instantly melted, alongside any other materials inside the immediate vicinity.

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