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Blood trickled down Izuku's limbs as the face of stone got close, its haunting smile filling his vision.

"H-How?! How are you doing all of this?! Were you in control of the System from the beginning?!"

"System?" Miyuki asked. "I haven't the faintest idea what you mean, boy. And no, not even we, as rich and powerful as we are, could arrange this all," She said, gesturing to the grand chamber. "This was all set in motion by something far larger than all of humanity."

"We just so happened to meet someone who was willing to teach us how to manipulate the situation a bit. He brought this place to the physical world we inhabit, and gave us permission to do as we saw fit." Akihiko patted one of the statue's spider-like legs. "And this is little more than a doll to be controlled."

"Our plan to become one with Villain-kind has been in motion since that palace was discovered in the arctic, but our contact has been helping us along the way for some time. And when we found out our daughter was destined to become the Shadow Empress, well, it was almost too perfect." She caressed Yaoyorozu's thigh with the ceremonial dagger.

"But you? A nobody?" Akihiko scoffed. "We'd gathered and scouted hundreds of the most influential people in the world in preparation to discover the Shadow Monarch, and it turns out to be an E-Rank nobody?"

"You want to be... one with the Villains?"

Miyuki smiled. "Even with wealth, and Awakened powers that put most humans to shame, there is a limit to what we can do. To cross any of the National-Ranks would be akin to suicide. Humans have grown prideful. It is time for us to rise to the forefront of power and subjugate humanity alongside the Villains. We will give them the leadership they need, and by becoming the Shadow Monarchs, we will no longer be mere mortals. They will recognize us as such, or die."

"That's it?" Izuku groaned as the spikes piercing his extremities shifted. "That's all you want? All of this power, all of this insane worship, and you want more power? That's all you could strive for?!"

Miyuki giggled in a playful manner, like a school girl looking upon her crush. "Isn't that what we all strive for? You should know better than anyone that once you get a taste of power, it is impossible to stop there."

"Yeah, I did want to be stronger," Izuku admitted, "But only for the sake of those around me. If I was cut off from my power right now, I would go on living, happy for what I had been given. As long as stronger and stronger threats pop up, I'll get stronger too, but not to become a dictator, to become a Hero."

Akihiko again scoffed. "Ah... the follies of All Might's teachings. You see, boy, we too seek the betterment of humanity. To bring two species under the rule of single power, we shall create-"

"Force." Izuku interrupted. "You'd force two species under a single ruler. That's not gonna lead to anything but chaos and revolution."

Miyuki shrugged. "Perhaps those things will come about, but might makes right, and we will be the pinnacle of the food chain." She licked the tip of her dagger, almost shaking from anticipation. "Now, shall we get started?" She asked, prompting her husband to stroll towards Izuku.

"And what makes you think I was gonna let you do anything to her?" Izuku questioned, a fierce fire in his eyes.

"What makes you think you can do-"

[Title: Hysterical Strength of a Hero has activated.]

Through sheer force, Izuku snapped the four limbs holding him down, yanking the black limbs out of his flesh and casting them to the ground.

"Get him!" Miyuki shouted at the statue creature.

[Elemental Fire Gem has been removed from Speedstrike.]

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now