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"His name is Tenko Shimura," Tsukauchi said as he passed out files to the Hero Safety Commission board. "10 years ago his family home was destroyed under unknown circumstances and he was presumed dead along with the rest of his family as their bodies were never found."

"Am I reading this right?" One of the suits asked. "He used Apex Magic?"

"Aizawa was certain of it, as were the three summons present."

"The summons?"

Tsukauchi nodded. "Deep Blue, who has been working with the Commission, as you all know, was kind enough to write up a report of the three 'Shadows' present on Europa. Beru, Igris, and Kaisel, as they are named, all made clear that it was Disintegration Magic being used."

The room flipped through the files, coming to three separate documents. All were handwritten by Deep Blue, but because he was essentially a living computer, there was basically no difference between his writing and a computer's fonts. It was perfectly readable.

"If it was Apex Air Magic, then how did the one named 'Beru' survive?"

It was All Might who answered. "It is understood that the summons of the Shadow Monarchs possess incredible regenerative powers. So much so that not even Apex Magic can kill them outright."

The room was visibly uncomfortable with that notion. Even if Japan was confronted by another country, like America, they would still have a chance to fight back. National-Ranks weren't invincible, just incredibly strong. As far as they knew, none of them had the capacity to regenerate so aggressively.

"Even if we assume the Shadows can be trusted, it still doesn't explain how a boy like Tenko Shimura was in possession of such Magic. Apex forms of Magic have only been seen in disastrous threats like Kamish, or theorized about by Mana Researchers. Not even Christopher Reed has Apex Magic and he's arguably the strongest Mage-type Awakened human in the world."

"That... is still unknown," Tsukauchi admitted, "But, the summon named Igris did provide some interesting insight. Page 3 of his report, he notes that 'the boy was horribly inexperienced with his Apex Magic, and was even caught in Kaisel's energy blast. My Liege, experienced with his Magic, would never have let such an attack so much as graze his armor.'"

"Does that mean the Shadow Monarch has his own Apex Magic?"

Tsukauchi shrugged. "It was reported that he was using many high-level forms of Dark Magic, so it's possible, but not confirmed. The important thing here is that Igris is implying that Shimura did not have this power for long and had yet to really use it to its full potential."

"Are you saying he was given it?"

"The report mentions a 'Master,'" All Might interjected. "It's possible that there is someone or something out there that was providing him with such strength." The implication sat silently for a moment, but there wasn't much to elaborate on outside of speculation, so they moved on.

"Any noted motivations?"

Anti-Heroes weren't all that uncommon. Given immense physical and Magic prowess, many Awakened humans became drunk with power and attempted to rob banks, blackmail the government, hijack planes, and many other stupid stunts that were mostly defeated by other Awakened humans who had better control over their impulses. Regardless, the motives were usually pretty clear. Money, power, influence, etc. They were all very standard human desires. But in this instance, some things were left very unclear.

"They mentioned a war, allies, and possibly something about Russia."

One of the suits, a man with military ties, chimed in. "No troop movement has been noted by satellites, and a friend of mine spoke to Yuri Orlov just yesterday. Aside from saying that the man sounded tired, nothing seemed amiss. With his sister being the president, he often blabs state secrets just to rant about her, but nothing came up. Besides, Yuri Orlov would be the last person to let his country go to war. He has a heap of pride for his country, but he's also a humanitarian. He'd sooner fight his own people than start a war."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now