Particle Storm

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"Why do you care about Bakugo so much?!" Momo screamed through the wind whipping past them. They were falling through the air at terminal velocity, which meant hitting the ground was kinda a non-issue for them. They were essentially S-Ranks, after all. So it was more about waiting for the ground to come to them.

"He used to be my friend! We had a lot of fun together! It would be different if he had always been a jerk! But... I had a really great childhood between him, my sister, my father, and my mother!" Momo knew this. Up until Izuku's mother fell into a coma and his father vanished behind a Gate, Izuku had love and care in abundance. "I still have Kei, but Bakugo is a part of that past... a past that I want back!"

Momo could only somewhat understand Izuku's reasoning. She saw the past as something to be put behind you, killed if necessary. It was, in a lot of ways, hard for her to really grasp the concept of someone like Bakugo deserving redemption. She saw him in the same light as her parents. He didn't show remorse, or any sort of thoughtful introspection, so what was the point?

The reason Momo cared so deeply for Izuku was that he helped her move forwards, but at the same time, he was looking to reclaim his past. Getting his mother and father back? Momo didn't question that. Bakugo however? Even her extreme intelligence couldn't get that. Izuku's mother and father had been taken by events outside their control, they hadn't suddenly become evil, arrogant, assholes like Bakugo.

"What does Kei think about him?!"

"She hates his guts! Her and Bakugo used to be friends too because he spent so much time around my family! If she could, she'd beat him until he was black and blue!"

"Smart girl!" Momo shouted back, grinning ear-to-ear, and even Izuku was forced to crack a smile.

"Alright! Time to get serious!" Izuku said, bending his knees as the ground approached them.

Anyone who had ever seen a bomb go off would know it's less of a fireball and more of a dust cloud. So it was no exaggeration to say Momo and Izuku hit the ground and decimated it like they were bombs.


[Quest: As Above, So Below Part 1]

The Lux and Tenebris fill this world. Because of their feud, reality is tearing apart. Restore balance by quelling their armies.


5,000 Tenebris Souls

5,000 Lux Souls


"Tenebris! Isn't that what Arcka is?"

Izuku nodded. "It means the Dark... and the Lux means the Light."

"So Demons and Angels... Five-thousand of each..."

As if on cue, the city exploded with high-pitched shrieks, like a cross between a bat and a record-scratch.

""Come Forth""

The Shadow Army heeded the call of their Master and Mistress, now totalling 750 in number. Izuku had added an additional 442 High-Orcs after expanding his Intelligence Stat. They filled the streets of the hellish Tokyo landscape, with Izuku's "heads" of the army closest to him. Igris, Behemoth, Baruka, Tusk, Arcka, and Rasaka.

"We're playing a numbers game, so you should have this!" Momo shouted up to Tusk, lobbing him the Orb of Avarice.

"Arcka... is there any chance we can talk to these guys?" Izuku asked his Shadow of the same species as the approaching Demons. But the Shadow just shook his head, eyes wide at the numerous screeches getting closer and closer. He drew a line across his neck. "Well... I suppose I expected that."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now