Izuku's Journal Page 1

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Disclaimer: This is an extra chapter that can be skipped without missing anything plot relevant.

This is the first of a few extra chapters I've decided to do to intersperse the regular chapters. These "pages" from Izuku's journal can contain anything from world-building, to perhaps his own personal thoughts or conflicts. Basically they'll be a space for the audience to get a deeper look into his head, whether that be something logical or emotional. Hope you enjoy!


The Ranking of a Hero is the cornerstone of society. Without one, they cannot safely be assigned to Raid's by the Hero Safety Commission, nor can they use the Hero App to find individual parties looking for additional members.

Ranking is determined by many things, but it can only be measured by a scant few. Villain Cores, melted down and reforged into an artifact, are the most common way to be measured. Typically these come in the appearance of a sphere, or spheroid shape.

By passing their magic through the artifact, Heroes can send an accurate measurement to Hero Safety Commission systems, as the artifact isolates and refines the Hero's magic from other contaminants in the air.

For Heroes without Quirks, magical capacity measurements are the singular test needed to evaluate their Rankings. Said magic can also be used to identify a Heroes role. Some of the roles, as established by the Commission, are as follows.


Tank - A Tank's magic is typically very dense, allowing them to absorb more damage. They have great synergies with heavy armor, weapons, and shields as their magic provides them a good deal of muscle mass.

Healer - A Healer is a Support-Type Hero, their magic is often assessed by Commission systems as highly dispersed. This may read as weak. However, a Healer's magic works by dispelling the magic signature of Villain's before the magic particles recondense to pull organic material back together and close the wound. Just like mages, Healers can be in possession of more than Healing Magic, even if it is not as strong as their healing abilities.

Scout - Scouts are often Support-Type Heroes, as their magic particles tend to move the fastest, allowing them great agility. However, Scouts may also be assigned a DPS-Type assessment depending on the concentration of their magic.

Mage - Typically Mage's have the most magic particles, making them easy to identify. They are given backline DPS assignments usually. While they have the most particles, they are not inherently stronger than say a Tank or Swordsman. As they condense these magic particles into very dense particle clouds to create attacks, their magic counts are inflated and have to be accounted for. Some Mages can have magic similar to Healers or Enhancements, but it is rarely strong enough to do more than close some scratches.

Swordsman - The most common role. Swordsmen have nothing special in terms of their magic particle qualities. By gathering magic in their bodies or on their weapons, they have superhuman abilities.

[See Page 2 for more Hero Roles...]


Ranking, for standard Heroes, is determined by an equation.


M=Magic Particle Amount

B=Body Mass (As to calculate how far the particles have to disperse)

C=Concentration of Magic Particles (This determines how much energy each particle holds)

S=The Speed at which the particles move

This equation allows for Rankings to equate for high or low versions of any given Ranking.

[See Page 2 for the exact equation values associated with each Ranking.]

The Ranking scale works exponentially, with each further Ranking being many multiples of the last. Strength wise, the Rankings are as follows.


Note 1: Physical strength can vary depending on the Role of the Hero. These are the averages and not an accurate assessment of all Heroes.

Note 2: Whilst some superhuman athletes may be able to keep up with E-Ranks physically, they do not have the magical energy needed to injure a Villain.

E-Rank - At their very weakest, E-Ranks are still exceptionally superhuman. They can lift many times what a pro-athlete human can, and their skin is far denser. An E-Rank can comfortably punch concrete, and only have some light abrasions. The average E-Rank can lift a weight equal to 3,500 lbs comfortably. This is short of being able to lift a car above their heads. (Note, the heaviest thing ever lifted by a human was around 6,000 lbs, however they could not lift it for long, unlike an E-Rank with their power). Their punch is around 1,500 pounds of force. Punches of that force can easily break bones. (The average punch of an elite boxer being 1,000 pounds of force). They can run around 45 miles per hour at a sprint. Their reaction time is 0.1 seconds, equal to the best reaction times of humanity.

D-Rank - This is the Rank at which all other humans fall behind. Whilst some humans could theoretically match an E-Rank, D-Ranks weight and speed records have not been broken by any normal human. They can lift around 8,000 lbs, nearly enough to lift the weight of an elephant. Their punch force is around 4,500, a punch of this nature would be fatal to a normal human. They can run about 90 miles per hour, and their reaction time is 0.05 seconds, allowing them to enter a state of focus so that a battle with an equally fast opponent appears to be at normal human speed.

C-Rank - This is where true superhuman abilities begin to manifest. C-Ranks can lift 30,000 lbs, the weight of some fighter jets. Their punching weight is 12,000 pounds, more than enough to shatter a tree into a million pieces with one punch. They can run at nearly 220 miles per hour and have a reaction time of 0.005 seconds.

B-Ranks - At a B-Ranking, it becomes nigh-impossible for human instruments to truly measure their upper limits. An average B-Rank is estimated to be able to take down a small office building with his bare hands, though the process would take some time.

A-Ranks - A-Ranks are highly valued amongst governments. They are stronger than B-Ranks, but far more common than S-Ranks or higher. Could level several buildings without breaking a sweat. Equivalent to an army of E, D, and C-Ranks.

S-Ranks - City Level destroyers. Impossible to accurately measure. S-Ranks tend to be the most well known Heroes, as they are not hidden away by their governments, and are generally the strongest of Heroes without Quirks.

XS-Ranks - The true strength of the XS-Ranks is a closely guarded secret in their respective countries. The only thing known about XS-Ranks is that they must have a strong Quirk as well as S-Rank base strength to qualify for this Ranking.

National-Ranks - The true strength of the National-Ranks is a closely guarded secret in their respective countries. Whilst figures like Thomas Andre or All Might are very public, they have reportedly not shown their true might since Kamish's appearance.

[Continued on Page 2]

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