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This chapter would've been out sooner but I got Covid for a second time, this time from my mother lol. It has not been a fun week lol. Thankfully both myself and my mother have the vaccine and the boosters so it could've been a lot worse. I'm finally getting back to normal. Perhaps the Catalina Island Arc was a little too prophetic about Brandon Burnett quarantining huh? Anyways, enjoy!


Admiral Mori stumbled into the bridge of his destroyer. "Full speed! Proceed North and circle around the storm!" The seas, which had been insanely choppy when Miruko jumped from orbit, were now growing even more tumultuous. Even the masterpieces of technology that was the Japanese fleet were getting tossed around. Mori had never been seasick in his life, but he was starting to feel a little shaken.

"What about the plan?!" His second-in-command asked.

"Nine's forcing our hand. We either deal with him here and now, or lose the entire fleet..."

"Nine? As in..."

Mori scowled. "Yeah."

"Admiral! We've got radar signatures to the North! Russian ships!"

"Looks like we've got our work cut out for us as well... Let's make sure the Empress and her Shadows aren't bothered during their fight." Mori looked to Loren and Ryukyu, standing on the bridge. "No mercy."


"Kaisel... evolve."

[Shadow: Kaisel, is being augmented by the Shadow Empress.]


[Machine Goddess - Kaisel:]

Grade: Commander

Type: Luxian Mechana Exo

Skills: Lightspeed, Divine Retribution, Target Lock, Configuration


If possible, Momo would have tried to evolve Igris or Beru further, but there was a significant limit on the amount of power she could output in order to augment a Shadow based on her and Izuku's Level. Essentially, Beru and Igris were already so potent in strength that she couldn't augment them until she got stronger herself. If that hadn't been the case, pushing a single Shadow into continuous evolution would've been the prime strategy.

As it was, she settled for Kaisel. She needed a strong flying Shadow to carry her up to those clouds. Rather than changing her form or abilities, Momo decided to increase Kaisel's size and raw power, as the transforming dragon already had a good skill set.

"Let's go," She said, jumping to Kaisel, followed by Miruko and Kaina. "Right to Nine."

Kaisel growled in affirmative, feeling her animalistic side after such an increase in size and power. Emitting powerful streams of energy from her wings, she shot up into the air, not bothered even slightly by the rough winds. She was regulating her energy output like a spaceship stabilizing itself in the vacuum of space, letting out tiny bursts in all directions to balance.

All the girls had to do was hold onto the many jutting pieces of Kaisel's body and they were fine, at least... until they started getting close to the eye of the storm.

"Speed's picking up!" Kaina shouted, having to hold tighter and tighter to Kaisel.

"What?" Momo responded in disbelief. "It feels the same to me!"

"What are you talking about, girlie?!" Miruko was now straining to hold on, and she was likely the strongest physical Hero there. "This must be... the strongest storm... in the history of mankind..."

Shadow Monarch Hero: Viridian (SMH: Deku rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now