Six months later

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After the war, the prison had been rebuilt and made into a home, into a proper community.

They had a small farm, full of fruits and vegetables and even some animals for food, Rick was in charge of this.

Walkers were cleared out and blocked from breaching, all blocks had been cleared and cleaned, and 3 of them were turned into homes for the growing community. The library was put to use by Carol and the children, for story time and schooling, and the walls were decorated with drawings.

C Block was still only occupied by the family,Tyreese and Sasha had moved in when they had been brought in from Woodbury, the past was put behind them.

Hershel had decided that it was time for Rick to step back as leader, that he should focus on himself and his son, after the whole Carl gunning down a surrendering kid incident. So he taught Rick all there was to know about the farmers life, so that he could teach Carl, and so on.

Hershel then formed the council, which was made up of; him, Daryl, Glenn, Carol, Sasha and even Natalia.

She was thrown off when he had asked her to join, but he was confused why, for she and Daryl had been the two heads that Rick looked to when making decisions, plans or when the hard tasks had to be done.

He was confident of her that she would make a brilliant member, she was hard headed and stubborn, she knew from right and wrong, whether that be people or decisions, and she was empathetic, to a certain degree. Natalia was talented in knowing what to tell people in difficult times, she was also an amazing poker player and liar, that worked in their fortune many times.

Glenn, Daryl and Natalia had built a supply team, and sometimes they would find other groups, or survivors on their own, taking them in, the community was growing larger, everyone had their part.

Natalia left Cell block C, walking down into the courtyard to get some food, where Carol and Daryl were stood talking, as she served it up.

"Morning, Natalie."

"Hey, Doctor S" She smiled at him.

"Morning, Nat."

"Nice to see you, Leon."

"Hey, Lia."

"Hello, Frank."

"How're you doing Talia?"

Natalia had adopted a few nicknames from members of the community.

"I'm doing great, Sean, thank you, how are you?"

"Great, as always" He grinned.

"Nat!" Two small voices cheered and waved.

"Molly, Luke! How are you both today?"


"Hi, Miss Moore"

"Hey, Mika, what are you reading?"

"It's about volcano's" the young girl gushed excitedly, showing off the cover of the book.

"Cindy, hey, how's lil Tommy?"

"He's doing alright, but I lost his dummy, and he's been crying a lot without it, he can't sleep without it." Cindy sighed.

"I'll add it to my list, we're going on a supply run today, don't worry about it."

"I love you, you're an angel." Cindy squeezed Natalia's hand.

"It's no problem." Natalia laughed, walking away.

"Well, hello, Nat, Natalie, Talia, Lia, miss Natalia Moore." Carol greeted her, passing over a bowl of some food.

"Don't. Sometimes I wonder if they just don't know my name and hear it muttered around and say whatever they hear." Natalia sighed, taking the breakfast.

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