Something to Live For

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The next day, Eugene had left the building, just as they had suspected, with two patrols.

As soon as they were out of sight of anyone else spotting their demises, Daryl shot an arrow into the first person's head, Natalia took out the other, stabbing him in the back of the head.

Eugene had turned to scream, but was silent when Daryl grabbed a hold of the man, shoving his gun to the back of his head, as Rosita snatched his gear off him, whilst Natalia looked out for anyone else as they fled the scene.

"I can't help but suspect that the reason I'm being taken alive is, despite... what completely warranted bad blood exists between us, you still harbour a vestigial nostalgia for our erstwhile camaraderie." Eugene said, as they walked away from his new outpost, his hands were tied in front of him, Natalia watched as Daryl took his knife out at the sound of his voice. "And in light of that, I'm willing to just shut my grub flap and give you your space until you see such a time as you're ready to break the ice, one traveling companion..."

Daryl lunged for him, pointing his knife at the man's face.

"Shut your mouth before I cut your tongue out!" Daryl threatened, as Eugene cowered away.

Rosita and Natalia attempted to separate them.

"Alright!" Rosita pressed. "We got to keep going. They have to be out looking for him by now."

Natalia snatched her husbands knife out of his hands, pocketing it as she pointed at him.

"And you're not gonna touch him, no matter how much we all want to hurt him." She glared at the man over her shoulder. "He might still have some sort of use. Come on." She led Daryl forward, letting Rosita deal with the traitor.

"Thank you, I-"

"Shut up!" She barked at him.

"Gimme my knife back." Daryl told Natalia, trying to reach for it, but she spun out of his grasp.

"No. Not until I know you can play nice." she told him, focusing on the road ahead, making sure no walkers were around.

"When I told Negan I made the bullet, it was to save your life. I didn't think. I just acted on your behalf. And I fully expected the crack of the bat to be the last thing I heard, but that didn't happen. And then I thought they would torture me. But they didn't. They gave me a chance to live. And I tried to resist. I tried to rise above my biological imperative, but that is not who I am." Eugene continued.

"I know who you are." Rosita answered. "You're the reason they were able to escape the Sanctuary. Everything that's happened since then, everyone who's died, that's on you."

"Rick's the one who pushed us all to take the Saviours on. He's the one who jumped headlong into this shit-storm with no waders."

Rosita took her gun out, pushing it against Eugene's chin.

"You're selfish, and you're a coward, and you're a traitor. You turned your back on the only friends you ever had. Shooting you in the head right here would actually make the world a better place." She said, lowly. "But we're not gonna kill you, not because we give a rat's ass about you. We just need what's in there!" She pushed his head. "We're gonna stick you in the darkest hole we can find, and the only time you'll see the light of day is when we need you to teach us how to do something. So don't worry, you'll get what you want. You'll live. But we're gonna force you to do something useful with your pathetic life."

She grabbed him again, pushing him along as Daryl and Natalia turned away.

A group of walkers had surrounded their car, Natalia inwardly groaned, pulling out her knife, passing Daryl's back to him.

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