Holy, Jesus

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A month had passed since the quarry incident, it had taken them two days to gather all the bodies and remove them from Alexandria, it was actually Rick who had found Evie searching all the bodies, looking at their faces before moving on.

When he asked what she was doing, taking her back to Carol, she was supposed to be at the school, but considering a lot less students would be there, Natalia had decided she could do school work whilst Carol watched her, considering she didn't like the school/ garage anyway. Evie had told him that she was looking for her dad, she wanted to see if he had ended up there, he then proceeded to help the girl find the body, so that they could bury him, let the girl have a place to visit when she needed her father, who was no longer there.

It was a long and exhausting challenge to get Alexandria back together, never really a moment of peace.

When the wall was the only thing being built back up, Natalia had decided to move into Evie's home, deciding it best that she was somewhere she had spent most of her time in Alexandria, all her things were here, her dad used to live here with her, besides, the house was too crowded.

Most of the group had spread out, moving into their own homes, except for the first house on the street; which consisted of Rick, Carl, Judith, Michonne, Daryl, Carol and used to be Natalia, and temporarily, Evie.

Daryl and Natalia were still as close as ever, they never mentioned the incident at the quarry again, but something had definitely shifted in their relationship, and it kept Natalia up a lot as she thought about the man.

it was like neither of them wanted to make the first move, and she was starting to get frustrated with him for it, but also with herself.

He had spent a lot of time at Evie's and now Natalia's home, helping when something needed fixing, giving Natalia other company than just a six year old, they ate a lot of their meals together as well, Carol had been teaching her how to cook, considering she had a kid to feed, she never had to do it much before, mushy food that she could buy, or frozen food she could throw in the oven, had always done the job.

Often, she felt very domesticated with the pair, sometimes it scared her, not wanting to get too attached to something that could be taken from her, but other times, when she managed to shut the stupid voice up, Natalia enjoyed it, liking having the weird family dynamic, even if it was with Daryl and Evie.

"Anything else?" Daryl had asked as the two girls ate their breakfast, he was going on a supply run with Rick, today.

Sully was happily eating out of his dog bowl, sporting a bejewelled collar that Evie had made him.

"Shampoo" Natalia snapped her fingers. "I've been trading my toothpaste with Michonne for hers, but she's ran out of that as well."

"Crayons." Evie burst out, seeming to remind herself.

"Eves, it's more like things we really need." Natalia told her, biting her spoon of baked oats..

"But mine are running out" She pouted, "And I need them to draw and take notes from work."

"Or your school work, that you've been lacking on, we had a deal, Evelyn." She pointed at the girl.

"Please, Daryl." She tried the man, which normally worked, he was the softer one.

"I'll put it on the list." He did as he said, writing it under shampoo. "Alright, I gotta go, you sure you don't wanna come with?"

"No, it's okay, be safe. Come home." Natalia stood up, rounding the table, placing her hand on his shoulder, kissing his cheek as he scrunched his face up.

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