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Carols whisperer wouldn't crack, they were nowhere near finding out where Alpha's horde was, and Carol knew that if anyone could get someone to croak, it was Natalia.

But she had only agreed to talk to him, if Carol were to babysit the kids, as well as making a special remedy for Bambi and Archie, the woman could work miracles with a pan and a few ingredients.

Daryl insisted that he had to go with Natalia, he didn't want her alone with the freak, he didn't like it.

Lydia had been removed from the holding cell, Daryl had personally kicked her out, Natalia hadn't known this, and she didn't know where the girl had disappeared to, either, or where her eldest daughter had gone, for a matter of fact, but apparently seducing a mind-fucked freak-show was more important than tracking down two teenage girls, according to Carol.

"This is a bad idea." Father Gabriel gave his opinion."

"Shut up, Gabe." Daryl answered, fluffing out Natalia's hair, he liked her curly hair, it made her seem happier, more free-spirited, easier to open up to.

"I'm just being honest, here, this is no offence to you, Natalia, but you are a hothead, where is the logic in sending her in there, she'll just kill him in a matter of seconds." The priest carried on. "What's the point of having a dead, captured whisperer, with no results."

"I'm not gonna kill him." Natalia rolled her eyes.


"Gabriel! I'm not!, Daryl, you tryna pimp me out or let me interrogate a man?" Natalia removed her husbands hands from tugging down her top, exposing more of her cleavage.

"We need results." He explained himself.

"We'll get results, and no one's dying today." She turned to the priest. "Anything that's gonna take Carol off her warpath, so you can stop chasing after her like a lost puppy." She turned back to Daryl. "Are we ready, or not?"

"Yeah, uhm, yes, yeah, I think so." Gabriel turned to the other man.

"Yup." He nodded.


Her so-called hostage looked to be an middle-aged man, with greying and receding hair, matching his thick moustache and short trimmed beard, he was also quite thin in statue.

His face seemed to be caked in dirt, but it also looked slightly red, maybe sun burnt? But how would he manage that when he apparently was always sporting one of the hideously gruesome masks. He had an bandage taped to his left side, interesting.

He let out an unimpressed scoff when he layed eyes on her.

"My names Nat." She layed on the southern charm, thickly. "A lil birdy told me you got some pretty clever intel that I wanna know, we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way." She scanned him with fake interest, "Somin tells me you like things hard, though, ain't that right?" She smirked.

"Must be a busy day, up there, if they got a lil thing like you down here." He laughed to himself. "We don't see much of your kind, anymore."

"My kind?" She raised a brow.

"Hunting season came and went a long time ago, all the prizes went the quickest, now, its just what's left, the last thing you can get your hands on, that ain't just about animals, lady."

"I don't know what you're talking about, we only have the best around here." She shared. "No fighting for scraps. But you know I'm not down here to promote this place. Where is the horde?"

Suddenly the cat got his tongue.

"Hard way it is." She sighed, standing up and leaning towards him, she watched with an impressed grin as his eyes shamelessly looked down her top, she let him, only for a second, before she jammed her thumb into his injury, letting it bleed through the bandage, she pushed deeper as he cried out, attempting to nudge her away. "I'll stop, all you have to do is give me a place, then it'll stop."

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