Early Months

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Daryl and Natalia were given only a week of peace and tranquillity to be with their kids, alone, in their house, adjusting to becoming a family of five in such a small amount of time.

It was bliss for the most part, they were happy, real happy in their little bubble, letting all the pain, anger and frustration slip away for the now, whilst they focused on each other and their children.

Though it also came with struggles, Daryl, who had never looked after a baby, except for Judith, who had other people to take care of her mostly, now had two babies to take care of, was trying desperately to prove himself to Natalia, stretching himself thin to care for, not only Daisy and Bambi, but also Evie, as well as letting Natalia rest and catch up on her strength, after giving birth in the middle of the woods with nothing but a random stranger. 

After the first night, Natalia realised how harshly she had treated her body, practically crashing as soon as she fell asleep.

When she had woken up to the sounds of them crying, she could barely move, her muscles were aching, her head pounded, wishing to rest again, and her lower abdomen felt like it was being punted over and over repeatedly, her mood was also all over the place, she felt very sad, and useless, no matter how excited she was, before. Nothing could seem to cheer her up.

Daryl, who was extremely worried for his wife, and had put her on bed rest until further notice, had taken Evie to Siddiq, to get her out of the house but also so she could continue her teaching with the doctor, it was an added excuse so that he could talk to the man.

After Daryl had explained to him about Natalia's behaviour, Siddiq gave him an encouraging smile and patted his shoulder, telling him that it was all completely normal and she was just dealing with postpartum, that'd she'd come around soon, that it was best to let her deal with it and to support her as best he could, show her some extra love, which he definitely could do, but he assured him that if her situation seemed to worsen anymore, he should bring her in and Siddiq would evaluate her and see what he could do to help her medically.

Daryl had taken the much needed advice, feeling a little better, he made sure Natalia had stayed in bed, though, only allowing her to get out to use the bathroom, which was a lot, Natalia didn't like letting Daryl deal with everything by himself, but she couldn't fight her body, she couldn't resist if she wanted to.

She also felt guilty for not being able to help him with his own injuries, whilst she was birthing life, he got shot and marked, brutally, she wanted to look after him the same way he was doing for her.

By the third week, they had begun receiving visitors, Rosita, Aaron and Gracie, Eugene, as well as Michonne and Judith, who had given them space after the first day.

Aaron was holding Daisy, Gracie was in his lap as she also "held" her cousin, as he was explaining to her about being careful and gentle with the tiny baby, whilst Rosita was holding Bambi.

Eugene was sat next to Rosita, making notes, for some reason, Evie and Judith were on the floor, colouring together and enjoying the company of their family, whilst Michonne snacked, rubbing her stomach, Natalia could tell she was busy plotting the future of Alexandria, the woman never took a break.

Natalia was sat on the arm of Daryl's armchair, his arms were around her as they watched their friends, when she looked down at him, swiping hair out of his eyes, she could see his sights were on Eugene, watching him carefully, he still wasn't over the incident that happened in the infirmary, or the fact the man let his pregnant wife run away when his only order was to not take his eyes off of her.

"You're glaring." She muttered to him, laying her cheek on his head, her arms around his neck and shoulders.

He broke out of his trance, looking up at her, and his face instantly softened.

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