The Hilltop Colony

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They had ran into another problem on their way to Jesus's community, the RV got stuck in the mud, the tyre spun as Rick revved the engine to get out.

"Damn it." He cursed. "A storm must've passed through. We're stuck."

Jesus stood from his seat, looking out the windshield.

"No worries. We're here." He patted Ricks arm.

When they had opened the door of the RV, the ground was coated in mud, the RV was sat in a large wet puddle.

Natalia hesitated, before stepping down.

Daryl held out his hand to her, which she took, as she got down from the steps, and onto the slippery ground.

She hadn't let go of his hand though, instead intwined her fingers in his.

He looked at the others before looking at her.

"What are you doing?" He grumbled.

"What I want." She smiled at him.

He was embarrassed that people had caught onto them, and now she was displaying PDA, he didn't like it, he felt awkward, but the thought never occurred to Daryl to just pull away.

He scoffed, as he gripped her hand, walking in front of her only slightly.

They had stopped in front of a wall made out of tree trunks.

"That's us." Jesus said. "That's the Hilltop."

The group of 12 walked towards the community.

"Stop right there." A man called.

Daryl and Natalia both ripped their hands apart, raising their guns, so had the other members of their group.

"Woah." Jesus put his hands up.

"You gonna make us?" Daryl asked the two men on the perch's of the wall, in front of a steel door.

"Jesus, what the hell is this?" One of them asked.

"Open the gates, Cal. Freddie's hurt." Jesus told him, he then turned to the group. "Look, sorry about these guys. They get antsy standing up there all day doing nothing."

"They give up the weapons. Then we'll open the gates." Cal said.

"How about you come down here and get them with your big sticks." Natalia challenged.

"Gentleman, look, we vouch for these people, all right? They saved us out there." The doctor said.

"Lower the spears." Jesus told them.

"Look, I'm not taking any chances." Rick stepped towards Jesus. "Tell your guy Gregory to come out here."

"No." Jesus turned to talk to him. "Don't you see what just happened? I'm letting you keep your guns. Look, we ran out of ammo months ago."

"Brave to admit that to strangers." Natalia told him.

"I like you people." He shrugged. "I trust you. Trust us."

Rick thought about it for a moment, then gestured for them to lower their weapons.

"Open the gates, Cal." Jesus told him.

He did as told.

The metal squeaked loudly as it was opened.

The first thing that came to Natalia's mind when she saw The Hilltop, was that it was beautiful.

A large house sat in the middle of the grounds, huts were around the place, being worked in, having their own stations, for food, black smith, washing, and other useful jobs.

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