Baby Steps

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When Natalia hadn't been informed of the death of Negan, like she was hoping for, she decided not to let anyone know about what she did, or the conversation they had, she had full intention of getting her knife back, but baby brain was still in full affect, it soon being a lost thought, until a month after.

Daryl and Natalia were assisting the twins on their morning walk, they almost had the whole walking thing, they still stumbled, and if either parent let go, they'd fall down, but they almost had the hang of it, baby steps!

"Nat! Nat" Aaron's voice reached them, him and Gabriel were chasing behind them, until Aaron keeled over, catching his breath.

"What's going on?" Daryl asked, as the pair turned around.

"Did you give a knife to Negan?" Gabriel asked her, accusingly.

"What?!" Daryl snapped his attention to his wife.

"I- No, I- uh, oh... oh shi- shoot." Natalia looked down, picking up Bambi, full intention of using her as a shield.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Michonne practically bellowed, pacing across the front of the table, as everyone sat around it, staring at Natalia, who was seated at the end, trying to hide under the table from the angry and disappointed glares of the other council members of Alexandria, the only person who wasn't mad at her, was Daryl, who was playing with the twins, three year old Gracie, five year old Judith and baby RJ in the living room, Michonne had kicked him out of the meeting, he was more upset at the fact that she hadn't told him, than her actions.

"Okay, it was a month ago, that seems very unreasonable for me to be blamed and berated for it." Natalia stared at the wood, working out how to worm her way out of this.

"You gave him a knife!" Rosita pushed, she had only come back a few days ago, from The Hilltop. "What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't, okay, and I didn't give it to him."

"So how did he get it?" Aaron asked, much more gentler, in an understanding tone.

"...Ithrewitathimhopinghe'doffhimself" She muttered.

"What?" Siddiq asked.

"I believe Natalia said she threw it at him, hoping he'd use it with the intention of ending his... suffering." Eugene translated, for some reason, being able to perfectly understand her.

Michonne hit the table.

"When? When did you do this? Why would you do this?" Michonne asked her.

"Last month, when I came home."

"Oh, right, when you left and didn't think to tell a single soul." She glared at her. "Everybody out."

"Michonne." Aaron stood, his hands up, as if he were trying to calm down the situation.

"Now!" She finalised.

Aaron, Eugene, Siddiq, Nora and Gabriel all got up from the table, but Rosita stayed seated, ignoring Michonne's harsh glare.

"Rosita." Michonne spoke up, when only the three of them were left in the room.

"If you want me out of here, you're gonna have to move me." She stated, still watching Natalia as she kicked her feet up onto the table.

Michonne sighed, dropping it.

"Natalia, what in your right mind would you think it's okay to give him a knife?" Michonne asked, taking a seat, breathing deeply. "Hey, I'm trying to reason with you, okay? Just, just tell me, I wanna hear it from you."

"I gave it to him in an act of immaturity, and impulsivity, he's not dead, so it failed."

"He tried to attack Gabriel." Rosita told her. "He had it for a whole month, did nothing and then when he thought the time was right, he tried to attack him, and you gave him the perfect opportunity."

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