Trading Lives

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Natalia had been in the middle of talking to Daryl about her conversation with Lydia when Tara interrupted from the watch point.

"Hey! Nat! Daryl!" She hollered at them.

Daryl passed Archie to Evie, who was sat inside with the girls.

"You stay here, all of you. Mean it!" He demanded, as him and Natalia sprinted towards the watch post.

"Either she was lying, or she underestimated her mother." Natalia spoke, when they got to the top, meeting Tara and Yumiko, Magna was behind them.

Outside the gates, a bald woman, with dirt covering her face, like Lydia, was heading towards them, with a group of her people, the woman was the only one not wearing a walker mask.

"I am Alpha." The woman spoke, in a thick accent, similar to Natalia, but not nearly as charming. "And we only want one thing from you. My daughter."

Kelly, who had just been let in, also joined them on the watch post, catching her breath.

"As the only mother of daughters here." Natalia slightly raised her hand. "I believe this woman should burn in hell and never see her daughter again."

"Good to know." Tara quietly muttered. "Our community is more than capable of defending itself!" She spoke to Alpha and her people.

"I show you my face because we mean you no harm." Alpha responded. "I just want my daughter. I know you have her."

"You should turn around." Daryl told her. "Leave now and no one gets hurt."

"Wrong answer." She raised her fist in the air.

More of her people had shown themselves, walking towards them.

"That rat." Natalia grumbled, just her and her mom, yeah right.

"That girl told me what her mom does to her. We ain't sending her back to that." Daryl agreed with Natalia's earlier point.

"Yeah, but what if she has Alden and Luke?" Tara asked. "Pissing her off can get them killed."

"We'll figure it out, we're not gonna start trading lives." Natalia said. "She's a kid."

"Did you kill our friends?" Magna shouted towards Alpha. "We found their horses."

"No." She replied. "Which one of you leads these people?"

"What the hell does it matter?" Daryl asked her.

"Then I'll just address all of you. Your people crossed into our land. There will be no conflict. Your people killed our people. There will be no conflict. I'm done talkin'. Bring me my daughter, or there will be conflict."

"Some one shoot her already." Natalia sighed, lowly.

"No one touches the girl." Daryl stepped away.


"Where's he going?" Yumiko asked.

"To do something stupid." Natalia grumbled through clenched teeth. "Daryl, don't." She chased after him.

"Does she have Alden and Luke?" Enid caught up to them.

"I don't know." He answered.

"Daryl, stop." Natalia repeated, but he continued marching forward.

"What does she want?" Henry asked, but he already knew the answer. "No, Daryl, we-- we can't do that."

"We're not, Henry, we won't." Natalia assured the boy, her hand latching around Daryl's wrist. "Daryl don't go out there."

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