Garbage Trucks and Trash People

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It turned out that the Saviours had come for Dr Carson, Maggie's doctor, and Gregory had just let them take him.

In other news, Rosita and Sasha had also disappeared.

Natalia was heavily pissed at the both of them.

She was even more angry at the fact they had kept it from her, not letting her help, cause of course she knew what they were up to.

Rick and the others had come by the Hilltop, to pick up Daryl, Natalia, Jesus and Enid.

Tara had shared with Rick about a community she had found, Oceanside, full of only women, they also had a whole bunch of guns, it had turned out that the Saviours murdered all their men, all boys over the age of ten, they weren't keen on strangers.

The plan was that Tara was going to politely ask Oceanside for their part in helping take down Negan, and if not that, then just to borrow their armoury, if she failed, Rick would take over.

Michonne and Natalia were to sit in tall trees, act as lookouts, snipers, considering Natalia was a great shot, and Michonne had been improving.

She also speculated it was because her husband wanted her away from gunfire as much as possible, she found it cute that he still worried about her getting hurt, even after the amount of risky things she had done, and how many times she had saved his ass.

Daryl helped her up the tree as Rick helped Michonne, she had noticed the pair had grown even closer with one another since she'd been away.

"You gonna be alright?" Daryl asked her, hoisting her small frame up.

"Baby, I'm gonna be in a tree, you're the one who I should be worried about." Natalia smiled. "But I don't need to be, we got this, we always do. Gonna be watching you like a hawk." She winked.

"You focus on the mission." He slapped her ass, gesturing for her to climb as well.

"Hey, watch it!" She threatened, "Remember when I got shot, and you had to save my life, with Rick and Merle?"

"One of the worst days of my life, you mean?" He asked.

"The one time you actually recused me, not the other way round." She teased, obviously lying.

"Climb the damn tree, woman."

"Alright, watch this, I used to win the tree climbing competitions as a kid." She kissed him briefly, before going up the tree, reaching the high branches so she could sit in them.

"That cause you were the size of a squirrel?" He asked, watching her go up.

Natalia broke off a small branch, throwing it at him.

"Guess what you just lost privileges to, I'll give you a hint, it's got three letters."

"That's more of a punishment for you than me." He scoffed, before walking away to set the dynamite wire with Jesus. "Love ya!"

Natalia caught the stare of her friend, who was also sat in a tree not so far away from her.

"Happy in paradise?" Michonne called out.

"Just grand." She rolled her eyes. "What about you?"

"Amazing." Michonne had that toothy smile that Natalia loved seeing on her.

"Go us!" She threw her fist in the air, before catching herself from plummeting to the ground, Michonne stifled a laugh at the scene.

Tara had gone in, it seemed like her chat wasn't working out well, considering time had ran out and one of the explosives went off.

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