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The group had been travelling for a few months, after they had fled the burning farm, luck had not been on their side, as they travelled from town to town, staying anywhere they could find, which was never for long.

Spirits were low, the weather was cold, and the food was limited.

"This place is a deadend." T-Dog stated, huffing as he looked around the ghost town once more.

"There has to be something, just for a night" Glenn sighed, his usual puppy dog expression on his face.

"What about over there?" Daryl pointed at a house down the street, it seemed to be the only one that was still fully intact or not covered in scorch marks and missing structure.

"Worth a shot." T-Dog shrugged, walking towards the car that Rick and his family were sat in. "We're gonna have a look down there, you coming?"

"Might as well, looks like a safe bet" Glenn bent down looking into the window. "Every other house was empty, like someone had come in and raided the whole street clean, not even walkers roaming around."

"We'll leave the cars here, any sign of trouble, we run back here and go. Just like always." Rick opened the driver door, stepping out the car, signalling all the passengers in the other cars to get out as well. "I want everyone on high alert, something could be lurking in any dark spot."

The group advanced to the house, Rick led Lori, who had shrugged off his arm once already.

"Eurgh, it reeks" Carl groaned once they got closer, pinching his nose to stop the eye watering stench entering his senses.

"Found where they were all hiding." Daryl grumbled, staring at the moat of walkers around the property.

"What the-"

"Whoever done this, they're probably in there" Glenn commented.

"An' they're creative." Daryl pulled a dart out of one of the walkers forehead.

"They're a Psycho" Maggie winced, an arm around Beth as she looked around the street once more.

"Glenn, T, with me, we'll find the son of a bitch." Daryl assured, walking towards the house with his crossbow aimed ahead.

Glenn stood next to the front door, his hand hovering over the handle as he waited for the all clear.

Daryl nodded, letting Glenn throw the door open, The redneck rushing in, to halt in the door way.

"Take another step closer, Asshole. You can join the others out there." A woman's voice threatened, a gun was aimed at his heart, instead of his head, like a normal person. An blue-merle-furred border collie beside her, growled at the man.

"Woah" Glenn stood behind Daryl, throwing his hands in the air in surrender.

"You manage to do all that?" Daryl asked her, scowling at the small brunette woman who was dressed in a dark tank top and blue and white pleated pyjama bottoms.

"Keeps the dead away, mostly keeps strangers away too, so take the hint and leave."

"The door was unlocked" Glenn said.

"Yeah, I saw you guys coming, don't look like the type to knock, and I kinda need the door."

"Rick, it's a woman" T-Dog called out towards the leader.

Rick ran into the house, watching the scene as he too threw his hands up in surrender.

"You can put the gun down, no one's here to hurt you." Rick told her.

"Who said they could, what are you doing here?"

"Me and my people, we're looking for a place to stay, just for the night, this is the only house in shape, we don't want no trouble." He explained, walking closer towards her. "My name is Rick, just put the gun down."

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