Burning Down

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Natalia wiped the steam away from the shower door, as the water dripped to a stop. She then moved towards the mirror, using her arm to clear her reflection. She looked younger, more gentle, no scars were along her face, she didn't have that permanent frown that Daryl used to point out, her hair was long, and straight.

Natalia took in the few moments of quiet before getting out, wrapping an towel around her.

She left the bathroom, letting the heat follow her, moving towards her bedroom, but when she opened the door, it was Harry's office.

He was sat at his computer, Winnie was on her lap, playing with his phone.

"Finally, she's been screaming her head off for you, you haven't heard her?" were the first words that fell out his mouth.

"Harry?" Natalia spoke in a hushed whisper.

"Lia, take Willow." He held the two year old up for her to take, which she did, running a hand over her curls, kissing her cheeks, she couldn't help that her eyes had teared up.

"You're... you..."

"You okay, what have I told you about having those showers so damn hot?"

"I'm... I'm fine, great, I'm great." She held Winnie tighter to her, the little girl snuggled up, rubbing her nose along Natalia's cheek.

"Lia, I- I got a lot of work to do, here. You mind making a sandwich or something? I'm starving."

"Y-yeah, of course, of course I will, sure." She smiled, walking away. "Winnie, my waterlily, my special little flower." Natalia murmured to the girl, as they headed towards the kitchen. 

The two year old giggled in glee, like she always did, when Natalia said that.

"You're alive." She spoke in a sing song voice, "And so is your daddy, none of this makes sense, but you're not dead... or maybe I'm dead, is mommy dead, Winnie, my waterlily? Is Mommy dead?"

"Mama dead." She babbled. "Mama dead! Mama dead!"

"Ookay. That was a mistake, should we make Daddy his sandwich, yeah? So he can shut up and be a decent person for once in his life?"

Natalia hesitated before she opened the door, Winnie on her hip, plate in her hand.

"Harry, I have your- OH GOD! Oh, oh my god!" She screamed.

There he was, Harry, 'cept it was dead Harry, he was devouring Winnie, ripping her apart as her blood spouted everywhere, and all she could do was scream and cry, crying out for her mama.

Natalia stared wide-eyed, this couldn't be, Winnie was on her hip, but when she glanced, the girl was gone from her side, she was in fact in pieces.

"Harry! Stop it, please! Stop it, please!" Natalia begged. "Our daughter, that's our baby, just stop!"

She went to pull him off, but that's when he turned on her, snapping his jaws at her, trying to take a bite, and when he did, her instinct kicked in, she smashed the plate down on his head, shattering it, then she reached for the lamp, hitting him hard, over and over and over, until he went limp, his head split open and his brain poured all over the floor and their daughter.

"Winnie! Willow! Hey, baby, hi, baby, speak to me... speak to me, baby, you're gonna be okay." She weeped.

But It was too late, she was dead, bleeding out with her flesh torn, cut open and chewed, it was too late.

Natalia opened her eyes, she was in the shower, again. She turned off the water, got out and wrapped an towel around herself, she checked her reflection quickly, still young, then left, heading for that room once again. She burst through the door, startling Harry and Winnie, they were alive, again.

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