The Start of Something

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Jesus and Maggie had searched for Sasha, after not finding her body anywhere in sight.

After she was brought back, now at peace, a funeral was held for her sacrifice but as well as the other people they had lost, their lives had given everyone else a chance.

Daryl and Natalia went to the infirmary as soon as they were able to, to see Rosita, who Tara had managed to bandage up, she had been shot in the chest, but it looked like she was going to pull through, Rosita Espinosa was the toughest son of a bitch there was.

When they had got there, Michonne was in the bed beside her, she was alive, but badly injured. 

Natalia was suffering chest pains with how overwhelmed she was, she had sat between both their bed, making sure that they made a full recovery, anything they needed, she got.

She had also taken the time to read some of Denise's books, on the notes she had set aside for Evie, wanting to learn more about the best she can do to help them, they were going to war, they'd need as much medical care they could get, especially out on the field.

It had taken two weeks for the three communities to come together and hash out the plan to end the Saviours for good.

Natalia was glad that she'd be doing the behind the scenes work, along side Daryl, and far away from Shiva, she may have saved Carl's life, but she couldn't get over it.

Tara and Carol were in charge of tracking the walkers they were going to lead to the Sanctuary.

Rick, Maggie and Ezekiel were going to march the communities to the Sanctuary rallying them up for the fight ahead.

Daryl's and Natalia's job for the moment, was taking out the lookouts.

Natalia had shot down the man stood on the perch, as the sun was starting to rise.

He had fallen to the ground, allowing a female walker to devour him.

"Nice shot." Daryl commented.

"I wanna get a picture of this." Natalia put her hands in a box shape looking at the sun rise. "Eves wants to start exploring with water colours."

Their next victim was a blond man on top of a car, smoking a cigarette.

Daryl grabbed the man, shoving him to the ground, piercing his skull with a knife.

The pair sat on the car, sharing the cigarette as Daryl examined the gun the man was carrying.

"That was hot, baby." She kissed his cheek.

The next man was outside a research facility, a few walkers had grasped his attention, allowing Natalia to walk up to him.

"Hi" She greeted, smiling as he looked back at her in surprise, she then slit his throat before he even had time to realise.

"Got a little..." Daryl licked his thumb, wiping at her cheek, where some blood had splattered on her.

When they had all been taken out, Daryl rode to the highway, Natalia on the back of his motorcycle, where they met with Tara, Carol and Morgan.

Natalia was bummed that Rosita and Michonne couldn't join in, but they were still healing from their injuries, they'd help defend Alexandria, though at the same time, she was glad they weren't in the face of danger, even if they were two of the most badass people alive, she knew Carl wanted to come as well, but he was still just a kid, she had promised to give the three all her gory details when she got back, because they'd made her promise she was coming back, which she always did.

"So..." Carol said, as they waited around. "Any plans for after this?"

Natalia looked at Daryl, shaking her head with a shrug.

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