Home Invasion

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When they had made it back, passed the burnt and collapsed buildings, a large truck was sat outside the gates, that was where the horn was coming from.

In Alexandria, it was an even worse sight, bodies were layed across the streets, blood caked the roads and pavements, and surviving people cried and wept.

Heath rushed Scott to the infirmary as Natalia and Michonne took in what had happened to their home.

Tobin and some of his old crew helped gather the people, laying them in a pile to be buried.

"Natty!" A voice cried out.

Evie was running towards her, she looked terrified and obviously was crying.

Natalia's eyes welled up as she bent down, accepting the hug as the little girl rushed into her arms, sobbing into the woman's shoulder.

Natalia held her up, petting her blonde hair as they both cried.

She felt a sense of relief that the girl was okay, she was alive, but she dreaded for what she had to tell her.

Michonne let them be, walking towards Maggie and Rosita who the girl had been with, they knew she was important to Natalia, and they understood she was part of their family now, as well.

"What happened, sweet girl?" Natalia asked her.

"Bad people, they came in and they... they...they killed them." She sobbed as she retold what had happened. "Daddy wasn't here, and you weren't here, I was so scared, but Carl took me inside, him and Enid said I had to help them protect the baby, I did, I tried my hardest." She threw her head back on Natalia's shoulder, as she rubbed her back.

"I know, I know. I'm so sorry." Natalia gently lifted her head, her palm cupped the girls small face, wiping away her tears. "But I need to tell you something, okay?"

"Where's Daddy?" She looked past the woman, not taking in what she said as she searched for her father, but he was nowhere in sight.

"Evie, listen, I'm so sorry, I'm so, sorry." She held the girls waist as she reached into her pocket, bringing out the chain.

Evie's eyes widened at the sight, she hadn't seen her dad without it since her mom had passed.

"He's gone...?" Her voice cracked. "He's with Mommy, isn't he?" She began sobbing again.

"I'm so sorry, Evie." Natalia confirmed, hugging the girl tighter. "He wanted you to know he loved you so, so, so, so much, and you're beautiful and kind, and sweet and talented, okay, and that he was so proud of you, incredibly proud of you."

"He's gone, he's gone, he's gone." She cried, wiping at her eyes, as her face puffed up, turning red. "He's dead!"

The people around them stared at the sight, feeling for the little girl.

"He loved you so much, I'm so sorry, he wanted me to take care of you, and I will, I promise."

"Open the gate!" Ricks voice boomed from outside the walls. "Open the gate! Open the gate, now!"

Natalia held on to Evie, tightly as Michonne and Maggie ripped the gate open, Rick was running towards them, the herd that he was supposed to be steering away, was following his trail.

As he ran in, the gate was quickly closed, walkers reached him, grabbing at air as they set their sights on the people inside.

Evie screamed as she watched, Natalia tried to shield her from it.

Tobin and his crew placed support beams along the walls, making sure that it would hold, especially with the herd outside.

Alexandrians watched as they accepted their lives were over.

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