As It Was

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Soon, winter had passed, the Dixons had settled back into Alexandria, and the house had gone under some serious redecorating, a passion project for Natalia, whilst Daryl had resumed his old position of hunter for the group.

Firstly, the twins had been given an updated room for their age, a crib and a room full of diapers wouldn't be suitable for them anymore, though back in the cabin, they had still shared a bed, they liked sleeping beside one another, cuddled up with their twin, Natalia had spent about a week on their room, repainting the walls a soft pale blue, with a mural of a woodland gathering on one of the walls, from one of their favourite books, a big bed, for the girls to share, she had also hunted down some learning tools and toys that are more age appropriate for six year olds, that they'd enjoy and hopefully stimulate their brains as they start their schooling journey soon.

Natalia had also contemplated the idea of putting art supplies in their room, but after careful evaluation, ultimately decided to store it somewhere safe and hidden and to be used on the porch, where messes and fights wouldn't become so costly.

Lydia had moved in with them, which was something that Evie did not appreciate, but knew there were no other choices, she hadn't brought up her distaste, until Daryl and Natalia had broke it to her, that her and Lydia would have to share the basement as Archie was getting old enough that he wouldn't be able to share with his parents.

Though, Natalia had tried her best to be accommodating to both teen girls, splitting the room in half, and separating the space with a curtain and furniture, to give them both space and privacy from one another, but Rosita had also let it be known, that she had offered a bedroom at hers and Eugene's old house, if the girl ever needed to get away, the pair had grown even more close as they dealt with their griefs, being there for each other, and Rosita being able to give Evie some adult advice and supervision that isn't her parents.

Archie had took his first steps in the January, only two months before his first birthday, which was celebrated with only their close friends, keeping it small, not only for their son's benefit, but also for the girl that the people of Alexandria still saw as a threat. 

When Spring had finally come, Daryl took this as the opportunity to teach all of his girls a very important skill, something that could've potentially been very helpful to them in the world before, how to ride a bike.

Surprisingly, the twins had caught on very quickly, Bambi, who loved Daryls bike, and begged him many times to let her ride it by herself, was very excited when he proposed the idea, and had nailed it in just under twenty minutes, must've been in her blood.

But Daisy on the other hand, had taken a full day, as she was too nervous to hurt herself, something that had surprised the parents, considering how adventurous and courageous she is, but Daryl had worked with her on it, and promised that he wouldn't let her get hurt in even the slightest, and she had finally managed it.

Only a couple of days after the twins sixth birthday, the people of Alexandria travelled to Oceanside, where the two communities, The Kingdom and The Hilltop, had started a "bootcamp" training course, to get everyone and their fighting abilities up to par.

Daryl had taken Bambi, Dog, and Evie with him, whilst Natalia stayed home with Daisy, Archie, as well as Lydia.

They knew how the girl felt about having to fight against her people, and neither of them trusted anyone looking over her, plus having Archie there would just be a massive distraction, Daisy was to keep her sane, besides, they were trying to separate the twins a bit, get them used to not being glued to each other, they wanted to be realistic and prepared, so the idea was to parent trap them, preparent trap them, when one was in England and the other was in the countryside, in another country.

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