Just The Three Of Us

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Eventually they had made their way outside, at night, Gabriel stared up at the stars, as did the others, whilst Daryl sat down, Natalia joining him as he used his flashlight to look down on a dollar bill.

"What's that?" She asked, wondering why he was studying it.

"Found it, they had a camp down there." He replied. "It's a letter from this kid to his parents. From back before."

"See anything else down there?" Maggie asked, joining their conversation.

"Nah. Just the same stuff you saw." He screwed up the bill into a ball.

"We heading out?" Agatha asked.

"We need to take a detour first." She decided. "Arbor hills."

"What's there?" Negan asked.

"Hidden supply depot." Maggie answered." Georgie set 'em up all over, in case we ran into any trouble when we were out looking for survivors. It has ammo, food, weapons. Rest up there, restock, and then head to Meridian. Radio tower marks that neighbourhood. You know where that is?" She asked Negan.

"Yeah. Come on." He nodded.

"Come on. Come on, boy." Daryl called for Dog as they got ready to leave.

They walked through a street, Roy, who Daryl had found, joined them, limping along.

They were greeted with bodies hung from their ankles along the road, on both sides.

"Well, this place sure has gone to shit." Negan commented. "Since the last time I was here."

Everyone was silent as they looked around, there were so many... just hanging.

"Let's double back. We can cut through-"

"No, we should get them down." Natalia resisted, pulling a knife.

"There's too many." Gabriel tried to reason with her.

"They should get to have their bodies layed to rest, not hanging like that, they didn't deserve this."

"Yeah, like Gage didn't deserve what he got." Alden took a dig.


"Matter of fact, you're the reason we're even on this suicide mission, popping kids out like tictac's."

"You better watch your mouth." Daryl took a stride forward, toward the loud man.

"Hey! Stop" Maggie hollered. "I'm sorry, Nat, but we don't have the time for this."

"Fine! I'll-"

Before Natalia could finish her sentence, an arrow had darted through the sky, piercing through the bandage and into Roy's already injured eye.

An knife had landed in Cole's thigh.

Maggie, Natalia and Daryl darted behind an old car, as the others went to the other side, they watched as a group of people walked along the road in formation, their weapons held loosely, ready to throw, masks covered their faces.

"Well, they're not ghosts." Natalia hissed.

"Run!" Duncan shouted loudly, as they darted towards the woods for coverage, as the people followed.

Alden received a knife to the shoulder, as he leant against a tree, Daryl was trying to take aim with his crossbow, but the knives darting around was proving to be an massive distraction to him.

Cole was unfortunately caught by one of the masked people, his throat slit and blood poured out, maybe it was mercy to receive such a quick death.

Knife after Knife was thrown at Duncan, until he eventually fell to the ground, and not even a moment after, Negan had received one in the leg, but he was quick to pull it out, using it as a weapon, considering Natalia had taken hers back as soon as they had got out of the train.

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