A Friend To All

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When the next day had eventually arrived, Daryl and Nat had left the cabin, making their way back through the words, and after such a good night together, it only made sense that Mother Nature decided to treat them with a buck, a large one at that, on their way back to Daryl's bike.

"Seriously?" Natalia groaned, when the bike had broke down, on their way home.

"Give it a sec." He told her, trying to start it up, again, but had failed. "Alright, get off, sit there." He pointed at a spot on the ground, chucking her his poncho to sit on, whilst he got off, examining his bike.

Natalia folded it back up, sitting on the ground, hugging the poncho to her.

"Shit." He cursed, looking at the side.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Going for a walk." He nodded for Natalia to follow, which she did, eagerly getting up and joining his side as they walked along the woods.


"Hope so." He answered her, but shared no other info on his precious first born.

They had managed to reach an car, Daryl popped the lid, pulling out a connecting wire of sorts, he tossed that to the side, then grabbed another, but apparently that wasn't useful either, so he dropped the lid, moving over to a truck, with a bed.

He did the same thing, popping the hood and looking for something, but then he put down his bag, Natalia picked it up almost instantly, as she leaned against the truck, watching her husband as he crawled under it.

"No good?" She asked, when he came back up, empty handed.

"Nope." He replied, setting his sites on the next car, walking over to it.

She followed.

Daryl initially ignored the walker inside the car, popping the hood to look for whatever it was he needed, whilst Natalia pulled out a knife.

"Careful." Daryl glanced over at her, as she was about to open the door.

"Seriously?" She repeated the word.

"Of getting blood on yer cast, girls' go nuts if you ruin their art."

"Oh, yeah, right." She nodded, carrying on with opening the door, keeping her broken arm behind her back as she let the walker fall out of the car, reaching for her, she stood on it's back, bending down and stabbing it in the head. "No blood." She confirmed, wiping her knife on the walkers clothes, before standing straight.

"Nice going." He dropped the hood, climbing under the car and ripping out another wire. "Got it"

"Dream team." She applauded him, as they made their way back to where he left the bike.

Natalia sat back on the ground as he went to his bike, but then she watched as he checked his pockets, seeming to be trying to find something.

"What's up, baby?" She asked, standing up and going to his side.

"Ma tool chain." He told her. "Gave it to Bam last week, an' forgot to get it back."

"You gave our daughter your thingy?" Natalia asked.

"Hey, you gave Daisy a knife, she felt left out." He defended himself. "Alright, I need ya, come here." He grabbed Natalia by her beltloops, pulling her towards him. "Need ya to get yer smallest knife and then reach in there." He instructed, as she pull out a tiny switchblade from her sock.

"I don't know what I'm doing, Daryl." She told him.

"S'alright, I'll teach ya." He grabbed her hand. "Alright, need ya to get in there, y'see that wire?"

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