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Natalia tried to break out his hold, but it was no use.

Rick went to go towards her, but Negan stopped him.

"Uh uh." He shook his head. "You leave her be."

"We put away half of the supplies." Rick told Negan, trying his best to keep the man out of Alexandria.

"No, Rick." Negan turned to him. "No. You don't decide what we take. I do. Arat."

He called the woman that had shot Sully, forward.

"You heard the man." She said. "Move out!"

Negan let go of Natalia, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as they moved into Alexandria.

"They're just gonna search the houses a bit, keep the process movin'." Negan explained.

Natalia tried to search for Evie, praying she was with someone, safe, she had no idea what could happen to the girl if he found out about their connection, but she missed the little girl terribly much.

"You gonna show me around or not?" Negan asked, walking forward with Natalia, looking at Rick. "I wanna find out where this one lives." He grinned at the woman, "See if we can make the Sanctuary feel a little bit more like home, cause that's what a good man does."

She looked away, trying to create as much distance as possible.


Rick walked ahead shaking his head.

Natalia looked behind her, as Negan pulled her along, at Daryl, her stomach dropped, all she wanted to do, was run to him, get out of here, far away and just be together, never have to think or worry about the people around them again.

He had met her eyes, something was there as he blinked, morse code.

Daryl had taught her morse code so long ago, something he did when they were holed up by passing herds, when they went out on runs back at the prison.

We. Are. Going. To. Get. Free.

The Saviours were going into the homes of Alexandria, stripping it bare as they took anything and everything they wanted, creating a large pile of mattresses.

"You see this?" Negan asked. "This is the kind of thing that just tickles my balls. A little cooperation and everything is pleasant as punch. You see, we really are reasonable people once you get to know us. Honest."

He opened up a cooler, pulling out the can of orange soda that Denise risked her life for.

"No. Don't" Natalia said, not able to stop herself.

Negan looked at her, raising a brow as he popped the tab.

"What's the matter, sweetheart? This your favourite flavour or something?" He took a long gulp, then offered it to her. "What? You don't wanna share? I ain't got germs."

She still didn't take it.

"Suit yourself." He shrugged, throwing the can to the ground. "Damn, I love this place!" Negan exclaimed as Natalia stared at the crumpled can, how much it had meant to the doctor.

"Negan." A man walked towards them with a camera in his hands. "Somethin' you might wanna see." Passing it to the man.

It was the camera Deanna had used to interview them.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Negan asked, taking a look, glancing up at Rick. "I got my fingers crossed for a little freaky-deaky. Huh." He nudged Natalia.

He pressed play.

It was the video of Rick, from when they first arrived, how different he looked.

"Know me... I've killed people." His voice came from the device. "I don't even know how many by now."

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