Train Tracks

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"You've got to be kidding me." Len had thrown his belongings around, waking up Natalia, who had fallen asleep beside Daryl, she had held his hand throughout the night, so they'd both know if each one decided to wander off, which they both had a habit of doing. "Christ."

Len walked over to them, who sat up to see what he was complaining about.

"Give it here." He told Daryl.

"You step back." Daryl replied.

"My half was in the bag, now it's gone. Now ain't nobody around here interested in no half a damn cottontail except you. Ain't that right?"

"Piss off, he didn't touch your shit, leave us alone." Natalia glared at the man, Daryl had given her a small summary of what happened between them, last night.

"You're the only one still thinking about that crap."

"Yeah, so move along, maybe your dumbass already ate it and you forgot."

"Watch your mouth you little bitch." Len spat at her. "Empty your bag."

Daryl grabbed his belongings up, moving away from the man, dragging Natalia back with him, by the wrist.

"I said step back." He repeated, his other fist clenched, draining of colour.

Joe walked towards them, snatching the bag out of Daryl's hand.

"Did you take his rabbit, Daryl?" Joe asked. "Just tell me the truth."

"I didn't take nothing."

"What do we got here?" Joe emptied the bag, the two halves of the rabbit falling out. "Well, look at that."

"You put that there, didn't you?" Daryl accused. "When we were outside." 


"You lied." Len, continued his fable.

"Didn't you?" Daryl shoved the man.

"You lied. You stole. We gonna teach this fool or what, Joe?"

"He didn't do anything." Natalia denied.

"Woah, woah." Joe intervened, creating some space between the pair. "Now, Daryl says he didn't take your half of the rabbit. So we got a little conundrum here. Either he's lying, which is an actionable offence, or, you didn't plant it on him like some pussy, punk-ass, cheating, coward cop, did you? 'Cause while that wouldn't be specifically breaking the rules, it'd be disappointing."

"It would." Len agreed.


"I didn't"

"Good." Joe patted Len's arm, facing the others. "Well..." He swung back, sending his fist flying towards Len, knocking him to the floor. "Teach him a lesson, gents. He's a lying sack of shit and I'm sick of it. Teach him all the way."

The other men in the room crowded around the man, kicking and hitting the shit out of him, whilst Daryl and Natalia watched.

"I saw him do it." Joe admitted to them.

"Why didn't you try to stop him?" Daryl asked.

"He wanted to play that out, I let him. You told the truth. He lied. You understand the rules. He doesn't."

Natalia couldn't take her eyes off the violence, her eyes widened at the pure shock of how they turned so quickly cause of their leaders orders.

"Looks like you get the head, too." Joe chucked it to Daryl, glancing at Natalia before calling to the group. "Hey, take it outside boys, not in front of the lady, have some manners."

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