Crumbling down

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"They seemed nice enough, but I was ready to go. We just got here, but, damn, it was time to go. When I told them about DC, a wink and a nod from the head asshole in charge, and it was right back to our regularly scheduled shitstorm." The redhead, Abraham told the five new members of the train cart.

Rick had ordered the group to make weapons out of anything they could get their hands on, as members of the party caught each other up during their separation.

Natalia bent down, grabbing the Swiss army knife that was tucked into her boot, covered by her sock, then reached into her pocket, grabbing out the handful of darts from the country club, handing them out to her friends.

"Sweetheart, now's not really the time for a game of darts." Abraham said.

"They have a point, dumbass." Rosita, his girlfriend said, touching the tip of the dart with the pad of her thumb.

Natalia passed one to Daryl, who gave her a look.

"Told you I had stuff on me, too bad they didn't think to frisk Michonne and I." She gave him a small smile.

"Before they put you in here, you didn't see Tyreese?" Sasha asked them.

"No." Michonne told her.


"What about Beth?" Maggie asked.

Natalia swallowed hard, before answering.

"We got out together, me, her and Daryl." She started. "We got split up by a herd."

"Black car with a white cross painted on it. Drove off with her." Daryl continued. "We tried to follow it. We tried."

"But she's alive?"

"She's alive." Natalia confirmed. "She's a survivor, a stubborn one."

The group continued to work in silence, using shoelaces, belts and necklaces to make weapons, as well as the darts Natalia gave them, each person having one in their grasp.

Daryl stood watch, keeping an eye out through the gaps as people outside talked and shouted to one another.

"What are you doing?" A man called out to someone.

"Everybody shut up. Shut up!"

"Alright. Got four of them pricks coming our way." Daryl announced.

"Y'all know what to do." Rick said. "Go for their eyes first. Then their throats." They gathered by the door, getting ready.

That's when Natalia noticed something, staring at the ceiling.

"Put your backs to the walls on either side of the car now." A man shouted at them.

"We should get back." She said.


"Look." She pointed at the top of the train cart, just as someone began walking on it.

The latch was pulled open, shining sunlight down on them, showing off the red in Abrahams hair.

A flash bomb was thrown at their feet.

"Told you!"

"Move!" Abraham shouted, everybody ran to the corners, Natalia brought up the sweatshirt, covering her mouth and nose.

The can exploded, filling the cart in a dark cloud of smoke.

The door slid open, people marched in.

Someone had grabbed Natalia, she wriggled out of the persons grasp, but someone else, Daryl, had pulled her back, throwing a punch at the guy, but soon enough, he was thrown outside by another person.

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