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After the funeral, Carol had approached  Natalia, when Daryl had been distracted with getting his things ready.

She had been preparing herself to settle the tension between herself and the woman, and to ask her to join them, but Natalia was already a step ahead of her, she had already chosen that she would be accompanying them to the herd, but when she was asked why, she refused to give a reason, just that she needed it to end, once and for all, and that meant any way how, she needed to do her part.

Daryl, who still refused to say a word to her, had all but dragged the woman onto the back of his bike, whilst Carol and Aaron rode two horses.

Once they got to their destination, "parking" their "vehicles", Connie, Kelly, Jerry and Magna had appeared from the foliage.

"Hi." Daryl greeted them.

"Hey, D." Jerry replied. "Nat!"

"Jerry" She grinned, jogging forward to hug the man. "How's Nabila, and the kids."

"Y'know, like normal, heard what happened to Rosita and Archie, they alright?"

"They're... they're all good, I have a lot to thank her for." She nodded, before moving on to greet Connie, as well as Kelly and Magna.

"Let's get to it. Screw these freaks." Magna sighed. "I say that in Siddiq's honour."

"That's the spirit." Natalia looked around the woods, seeing if she could spot anything.

"Thanks for helping." Daryl thanked Connie, patting her on the shoulder.

She pulled out a notebook, preparing to give a reply.

Natalia couldn't see what it said, but she couldn't deny that she craned her neck to see.

"You okay?" Aaron peered at her, as they walked.

"Fine." She smiled at him, pretending to not even notice the two conversing.

It was nightfall by the time they had reached the new border, and with a heavy sigh, they crossed it.

Daryl had been the last person, waiting after the others.

At some point, Carol had drew her bow, seeming to have spot something, though no one really took notice, except for Daryl, as per usual.

"Hey. Wait." He called to her, spotting the bear trap. "Coulda lost a foot." He commented, when she had saw it.

"They laid traps. Means we're getting closer. I saw something over there." Carol said.

"Will you stop this shit?" Daryl asked her. "Please. You want her dead so bad, you don't even care what happens to you."

"That's not true." She denied.

"You never came off that boat." He shook his head. "It's been like talking to a goddamn ghost."

"I'm doing the best I can."

"You didn't have ta drag my wife along with this, she didn't needa be out here."

"She wanted to come." Carol corrected. "I didn't make her."

"Yeah, only cause she thinks she owes you, she blames Henry's death on herself, bin beating herself up about it all morning, causea what happened to Siddiq, with Dante. I know you went and asked her, specifically when I wasn't around."

"She's useful, Daryl. You've been forgetting that, for a while. She's skilled and she knows her way in a fight, better than most of us."

"Not anymore, she's not meant for it out here, anymore, hasn't for a long time."

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