Forever Goodbyes

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Natalia was steaming with rage, but she had caved, going with the others.

Daryl lifted a manhole, leading to the sewers, he threw a rock in it, listening for it to drop as Alexandria continued to be blown up, walkers were following the fire as though it were a beacon.

Tara was the first to go down the ladder after Daryl, then Rosita.

"I'm sorry." Dwight told Michonne and Natalia. "I am."

"Shut up." Natalia said through her teeth. "Nothing you have to say is worth a damn."

He then went down the ladder, Natalia went after.

"Michonne." Rosita called, when she continued to stand there, staring.

"Michonne, come on." Natalia told her. "Michonne!"

Then they were submerged in darkness, she had pulled the cover over.

"Michonne!" She went to climb up the ladder.

"No, baby, come on." Daryl pulled her down, off the ladder, muttering to her as he led her and the others to where the rest were. "she's gonna be alright, she's got this. She's gonna be alright."

They had reached them. Everyone was there, everyone was safe, Carls plan had worked.

When she had seen Carl, she had ran to him, hugging the boy, he was a lot taller than the first time they had met, towering over her now.

"Carl, oh god! You're okay." She brushed his hair down.

He winced in pain, but hugged her back.

"Carl, you okay?" Daryl asked, looking at him.

There was no colour in his face, a sheen of sweat over him, he looked ghostly pale and ill.

Natalia pulled away, looking at him, placing the inside of her wrist against his forehead.

"You're burning up." She said. "What happened?"

He looked down, shaking his head.

"Carl." Her voice shook.

Daryl grabbed Judith, picking her up, holding her close, whilst he hugged Evie to him.

"When I told you I was helping somebody, it's him." He nudged his head at a man who was sat on a cabin bed, supplies around him, he looked sad. "Siddiq, this is Natalia, one of my best friends."

The man nodded at her, but she didn't take her eyes off the boy.

"I was helping him, that's when it happened."

Natalia helped him sit down as he caught his breath.

Carl lifted his shirt, a plaster was on his side, he pulled it down, displaying a bite, a walker bite.

Natalia felt her chest hurt at the sight, as her lip trembled.

"It's gonna be okay." He was trying to console her as he was dying, it made her heart hurt even more.

Natalia kissed his hair.

"I'm so sorry." She told him. "I'm so, so sorry."

"Where's Michonne?" He asked.

"I- I think she went to go look for your dad, their gonna come back, they'll be here, soon." She told him, she wiped at her cheeks, her hands shook.

"I'll wait for them, you should be with Evie and Daryl." He told her. "It's gonna be alright." He told her, again, she didn't believe it.

"I love you." She told him. "You're the bravest person I know. You're so good. The best, best friend."

"I love you, too." He told her. "I'm glad you didn't shoot Daryl in that house, and you joined us. I'm glad I get to say goodbye." He smiled.

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