Hike In The Woods

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Scott and Rosita had returned from another run, two weeks later, with survivors, it was a woman and a few kids, the oldest looked seventeen.

It turned out that this woman was a friend of Michonne's, her name was Jocelyn and she had rescued all those kids, taking them under her wing, until she got injured and Rosita had found her.

Jocelyn was taken to the Infirmary, where she had escaped from shortly after, claiming that there were others out there, more children out on their own, more people had gone out to look for them with the woman, Michonne included, and soon enough, they were brought back.

Michonne, who was the current leader of Alexandria, offered them a place to say, seeing as they were vulnerable children, and her and Jocelyn were old friends, Natalia was not slightly jealous, not at all.

Jocelyn had taken quite the interest in Natalia, or more like her pregnancy.

When Natalia had shared that she was nine months along with twins, and that they should be here any day, Jocelyn had demanded for her to take a seat, insisting on waiting on her, shooting Natalia's husband a harsh look for letting the woman walk around and do stuff around the community, even though he hadn't and had been insisting on her taking it easy. 

Only a day had passed since Jocelyn and her children had arrived and settled into Alexandria, but a small group of them had gone out to hunt, bringing back quite the treat for the people, putting anything Daryl had ever gathered, to shame.

The Dixons weren't very fond of the woman and her kids, but it had not stopped them taring into the food later that night, as the community sat around a fire, playing games and having fun, little Judith was even sporting cat whiskers, which Evie had drawn on for her. 

"Would Evie like to go join the others?" Jocelyn asked

The nine year old was sat next to her mother in the Grimes kitchen, watching her carefully and making sure she was well looked after.

"I'm okay." Evie answered for herself. 

"Go on, Eves, have fun." Natalia encouraged, patting down the girls hair. "I'll be alright, dad will let you know if anything changes, which it won't."

The girl looked up at her parents, her eyes swam with worry.

"I got it, Eve, go keep Jude company." Daryl nodded at her.

"Okay." She sighed, as if they were forcing her to do chores. "Love you." She hopped off her stool, kissing Natalia's cheek before Daryl's.

"Love you too, kid." He placed a hand on her blonde head.

"Love you more than Dad does." Natalia called after the girl as she left to go outside with the others.

"Does not." He also called to her retreating back, who waved her parents off.

"She's a good kid." Jocelyn told them.

"She is, yeah." Natalia answered. "She's an aspiring doctor, already, and a great artist, we're very proud of her."

Michonne eyed her friend, who was acting like she had something to prove.

"Wow, you've definitely raised her well." Jocelyn nodded, not picking up on the competitiveness of the woman.

"We have, thank you."

"How is she with walkers?"

Natalia looked up at Daryl.

They had started training her after the war, just like they had planned, it hadn't gone great, the first time they took her out, she had a panic attack, crying about her birth parents, and they had to immediately take her back, the next, it was a real fight for her life, as the one she had managed to stab with her knife, it fell on her whilst it was still alive, Daryl was quick to pull it off her and take it out whilst Natalia scanned the little girl for injury. So far, in two years since, she had killed a total of five walkers.

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