Welcome to Alexandria

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"Eyes open everybody. Weapons up." Glenn told the other five once they reached the sign that said 16. "You see someone coming at us, you fire."

"Copy that." Abraham said.

"So if we see someone, we just shoot them?" Michonne asked.

"That's a good question." Maggie agreed.

"I remember when I was living by those rules, and you both called me crazy." She looked at Maggie and Glenn.

"Times are different." Glenn said.

"Yeah, for you." She pressed.

"What if we see someone like us?" Michonne brought up. "What if Aarons telling the truth. What if they're someone who has nothing to do with this?"

"We're six people walking with guns. No one's coming up to say hello." Glenn answered.

"But that's exactly what happened."

"If it's someone like us, we should be afraid of them. He said he was watching us, right? It means he saw us yesterday. And everything we've done, why would he want us to join his group?" Glenn asked.

"People like us saved a priest. Saved a girl who rolled up to the prison with the Governor. Saved a crazy lady with a sword."

"Took in a crazy lady who lived in a house surrounded by bodies." Natalia laughed. "And saved potential survivors from cannibals."

"He saw that." Michonne continued.

"I don't know what he saw."

They walked further, until eventually, they found their destination.

"He was telling the truth." Michonne said, when they reached the vehicles, a car and an RV.

There was some rustling in the leaves as they walked over a fallen tree.

"Not one step closer, asshole!" Glenn shouted as everyone raised their weapons towards the noise.

But it was just two walkers.

"I got 'em." Abraham said, slinging the gun around his shoulder and pulling out his knife.

"We got 'em." Rosita corrected, putting her own gun on the car.

Rosita used a stick to knock down the male walker, whilst Abraham pulled at the woman's arm, pulling it clean off.

"Damn it!" Rosita cursed, knocking the female walker down, then using the stick to plunge it into the male walkers head as Abraham got his barings and finished off his walker.


The two then searched the RV whilst the others waited outside.

"Proud of you." Natalia nudged Michonne.

"Of what?" She raised a brow, looking at her friend.

"For standing up to Rick, for having a little bit of hope."

"Nat, I haven't showered in over a month, or even slept in a warm bed, I've been praying for something to give, and the lord above might actually be pitying us, for once."

"I just want clean clothes so I can burn these." She looked down at her ruined tank top and cargo pants.

"You're right, got all sorts going on there." Michonne gestured a hand at the stains covering the fabric.

"Like you look any better."

"Well, thank you. I tried." Michonne faked bashfulness.

Abraham and Rosita claimed the RV was clear, then the group of six decided to split up and drive back to the barn.

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