The Bridge

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The next day, Rick, Michonne, Natalia and Daryl travelled to The Hilltop, Rick and Michonne had rode on horse back whilst Natalia had managed to convince Daryl that she was okay to ride with him on the bike, she wasn't safer with anyone more than him.

Maggie had greeted them, as the horses were dealt with, a mark was on her upper cheek, and she looked tired, her eye was bruised.

Natalia was angry when Maggie had told them what Gregory had done the night before, preying on an sobered alcoholic, who had just lost his son, to kill Maggie, so that he could take her place.

Rick had gone to talk to her, but also to talk to Maggie about help with the bridge, that he'd also managed to rope Daryl into joining.

Natalia had volunteered to watch Hershel as they talked, explaining that she needed to catch as much baby fever as she could, and no one was better at that, than little Rhee, one of the most adorable babies known to man.

"See, you're great with them, they love you." Michonne said, as she bounced the baby on her knee. "Now just imagine two of them."

"Michonne, you're killing it." She warned, closing her eyes and trying to get back into the mood of being excited for a baby.

"It don't matter If you get it or not, we're having them either way." Daryl said, as the pair watched the woman.

Natalia pouted, turning the baby to face her.

"Why, Hershel, why does bad things happen to me?"

He cooed in response, grabbing at her hair.

"Who am I kidding, you're so cute." She hugged him to her.

Maggie had decided that Gregory was to be publicly hung for his crimes against their leader, but also for causing Enid to face injuries so severe that the poor girl was resting in a wheelchair.

It was being held after all the children had been put to beds, torches were lit as the people were stood around, and Daryl was the person who had been asked to set the ordeal up.

Tammy-Rose and Earl were stood behind him, he was handcuffed, and looked disgusted with himself for his actions, Earl was a kind man, who had been influenced into making a horrible mistake.

"I don't want to do this." Maggie started, talking to the people. "But people need to understand that at Hilltop, the punishment fits the crime. Do you have any final words?" She asked the man sat on top of a horse, a noose around his neck.

"What you're doing isn't right. Somebody stop this, please. Killing me In the dead of night because you're ashamed." Gregory sobbed.

"You're wrong. I'm not ashamed." She told him, before nodding to Daryl.

"Stop this! Please! Now, for the love of God, stop it!"

Two children had wondered out, looking at what was happening.

"Maggie, stop!" Michonne cried, catching Natalia's attention as Rick held her, stopping her from running ahead.

Daryl hit the horse hard, it let out a whine as it marched ahead, causing Gregory's body to fly in the air, his neck snapping at the force.

"Get the children back in bed." Maggie ordered. "I made this decision. But this is not the beginning of something. I don't want to go through it again."

A wave of Nausea came over Natalia as she watched Gregory's dead body swing through the air, like a depressing pinata.

She jogged away, a hand over her mouth as the bile rose.

Michonne raced after, to help her friend.

A month had passed since the hanging.

Natalia was four months pregnant, and she was already growing bigger than her clothes could handle, everyone had been pretty heavy on her case about letting it go for so long, the signs were all there and she tried her damned hardest to ignore it.

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